I'm Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
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Fynn has been playing up all week..and to be quite honest, Im surprised I havent throttled him so far... normally he goes to nursey the day that Im at work and I have hime the rest of the time... today, Im off work and he's still gone to nursery .. so I have one full whole solid day to myself :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I didnt realise before I had him how much of a luxury an uninterrupted shower was... Im gonna go in the shower.... am even gonna shave my bits (now that is a luxury) .. Im gonna clean my car... and sort Fynns wardrobe out of his summer clothes! Im gonna do all the things I cant get done when I have him!

What little luxuries do you miss doing now you have a child??? (or in my case lately, a monster!!!)

a lie in... *sigh*

Lil miss isn't a great sleeper.. so I get at most around 2 or 3 hours sleep a night, broken into little bits, so come the morning I'm shattered. Even when I get home from work, I can't just have a nap... It takes an hour to fight lil miss into a nap and when she goes she only sleeps for half and hour max... thats how long it takes me to get to sleep, so I'm just falling to sleep as she is waking up and it makes me feel even worse... :(

Cleaning too... I can't clean with lil miss clingy... so every now and again my mum comes over to take her for a walk...and I run around like a mad idiot cleaning.. really I should be sleeping :rotfl:
i agree with squiglet!!! a lie in would be amazing!!!! also 2 eat a meal without having it cut up 4 me while i hold a squirming child lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I miss lie ins the most, cuddling up with OH in bed watching the telly (telly in bedroom has not been on as Calleigh is still in with us)
ah i luuuuuurve my lie ins on my days off - I still take Jam to nursery cos he enjoys it so may as well make use of my free time lol

gettin my hair done on friday whilst he causes havoc at nursery :wink:
I really miss:-

* Like everyone lie-ins! I'm blessed with an excellent sleeper, but could do without getting up early at the weekends!

* Time to clean or to do the garden or do slightly bigger house projects - since having a baby, I feel so disorganised.

* Having a bit of money to spend on me! I have never ever had a lot of money, but I could go for the odd weekend out with friends or buy the odd new coat/top/jeans etc

* I miss being able to be out the same nights as OH, doing seperate things. Now having to co-ordinate diaries can be stressful at times

Valentine Xxx
I miss

* cleaning... :oops: I feel stressed when the flat isn't clean and tidy but it is almost impossible to do anything with LO around at the moment.

* sleeping more than 1 hour straight

* reading books/magazines/ watching films in the evenings. Now as soon as LO is in bed, I race around tidying up before the next day and then crash in bed.

* weekends when we could just go out and do what ever we wanted without thinking of nap times and feeding times, and the millions of things we seem to need to take with us

* taking ages in the bath or shower

but the funny thing is that when I could do all those things, I really wanted to have a baby :)
newmum said:
I miss

* cleaning... :oops: I feel stressed when the flat isn't clean and tidy but it is almost impossible to do anything with LO around at the moment.

* sleeping more than 1 hour straight

* reading books/magazines/ watching films in the evenings. Now as soon as LO is in bed, I race around tidying up before the next day and then crash in bed.

* weekends when we could just go out and do what ever we wanted without thinking of nap times and feeding times, and the millions of things we seem to need to take with us

* taking ages in the bath or shower

but the funny thing is that when I could do all those things, I really wanted to have a baby :)

Soooooo true!!! :D
Oh, and reading a book.... I sooo miss that... I have loads of books to read but havent got round to reading them!

Well... Iv had a fan-didly-tastic day... Its amazing what a difference a day to yourself can make you feel.. went back to bed this morning for a couple of hours.. cleaned the car.. cleaned the house.. had a shower and shaved my bits.. and came on here for a little while!

Im ready for another day now! :D
Aah, pleased you had a nice day Foxxi.

If I send Stanley to nursery and am at home I love to have a sort-out day too. No cupboard is safe and the charity shop gets avalanched :lol:
I miss shopping! Without the hassle of a pram, drool and bottles :rotfl: :rotfl: I miss the quiet of the house when everyone is out and it's just me and harrison. Oooo I lie in past 6.30am on a sat and sunday

He's a good sleeper so we get evenings from 7pm to ourselves :)
i miss a full nights sleep.
I miss been able to go to the hairdressers and have a nice head massage at toni and guys..lucky if i get chance to wash it now ...lol

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