Hi thought id come on here and release some steam, Ive decided to leave my OH we havent spoke in 3 days and ive been sleepin on the sofa, hes been drinking alot and hes promised to come off the booze but his personalitys changed. His ex has been in touch again wanting us to take my stepson after goin to court saying we had been mistreating him etc, ive posted previously about it. Well hes decided he cant cope not seeing him and is willing to be contolled by his ex in order to see his son at any cost, weve got him this weekend, and im dreading it we have to walk on eggshells when hes here incase he says anything to his mum about it, he called her the other day to make final arrangement, and she started her demands i went to say summit, and OH told me to SHUT THE F*** UP, and when she got off the fone he gave me absolute pelters his mouth was vulgar things you woudlnt say to a stranger in the street, he smashed the fone onto the floor where my son was playing, Im at the stage now where i want a normal life now and cant put up with his ex or his abuse any longer, im hoping to get my own flat in a month, i feel sooo stressed out its unreal, XkelX