Im exhausted

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Im so tired.

I think the pain in my hip has made things worse; everything is a mammoth effort! Every time I sit down I just want to close my eyes and nap!


Fair play to me though, I have mustered up the energy to shower and get dressed but I have to go out to get supplies - maybe I'll just have forty winks before I do that. I am really looking forward to being able to have a big cup of proper coffee to wake up and that wone be til I stop breastfeeding!

Pointless thread really so sorry for that!
Not long to go. Sorry this is all getting so tiring for you. Ive had a very easy time of it over the last 9 months so cant imagine how you're feeling. :hug:
Aw honey! I'd definately nap before going out etc though I am having the laziest day today-haven't even done my hair (though I am dressed) so you're doing better than me! Lol x hope you find some energy from somewhere
Oh hell yes, go and have a nap! I so know the feeling... get as many naps as possible!!
Well I have been napping! Rosie has been running around switching the lights on and off, tipping her toys everywhere but I dont care, :lol: I feel a bit stewed now. I have had a couple of whammy different kind of tightenings, every time I pray that they will carry on and gather momentum!
Awww - you poor thing! I feel the same and I haven't a toddler to chase about so fair play to ya :) When you in for your next sweep hun? x
On Thursday - I just really need to rest before this baby comes, OH finishes work tomorrow morning so I should be able to rest more just in time; he will take Rosie out for a couple of hours so I can totally relax and lie on the bed - in the daytime thats a total total luxury for me!
not long to go now x
Nor you Inky - you are the same date as me then? Aww wouldnt it be great it we had them at the same time? Imagine the labour watch on here! :lol:
:hug: hope youve perked up now a bit. I sat in the waiting room fighting sleep. I was worried I would start snoring in public!!
:hug: hope youve perked up now a bit. I sat in the waiting room fighting sleep. I was worried I would start snoring in public!!

Hehe! I'm like that! Jamie drove us to Asda last night and I had no idea how I was going to get round that supermarket! :lol:

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