Im begining to think him upstairs doesnt like me


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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:( Ok i waited and tested today and still nothing im on CD 25 is it still likely that there is a chance i could be pg not that i even think i am but is there any chance? :?
Oh hun - I don'tknow what to say :(

There is always a chance though - huge hugs :hug: :hug:
Thanks MM but to be honest if i was im sure there would have been something showing on a test by now :cry: Maybe its not meant to be.
A lot of people dont get + until after they were due AF.
Think positive!
Im trying to ive still got all good signs that i could pos be like sore boobs and bloatedness and weeing alot ut then they are also AF related too i wish i knew one way or the other.
There's still time yet hun. One of my friends took a test for up to 3 weeks after AF was due and it still said negative. It wasn't until she went to the docs that they confirmed it!

Try not to get too down.

Lots of hugs and prayers :hug: :pray: :hug:
There's still looooooooads of time yet :hug:

and if him upstairs doesn't like you - he positively hates me :wink:

nah - he knows we're special and he's waiting to give us all a bfp at around the same time - then we'll have little miracle babies who will all grow up to be stunning, talented and join together to make the next S Club 7 (but will be stunning and talented as well :wink: )
Thanks libs but i begin to think im a failure and i keep letting myself and everyone else down :cry:
You've only been trying since December? So this is your second month? I really wouldn't get so disheartened already.
no she's been trying longer I think - though just seen the signature - thought it was longer :think:

you're not a failure :shakehead: a failure would give up - we're just trying our hardest.

what doesn't kill us is making us stronger :hug: well..stronger or more knowledgeable about our bodies and more understanding of others and more appreciative when we get that bfp :hug:
Hey hun me and the o/h have been trying on and off since last january 07 :)
ahh sorry :hug: I just looked at your sig and thought its wrong to be so disheartened so soon, even though I know every month is crushing.
Thats ok hun i just seem to set myself up for this each and every month.
Cheer up gal, at least you have 2 already. You know there is no probs concieving just relax and enjoy yourself. Try waiting 8 mths to concieve your first not knowing if there is something wrong with you, then you've got something to worry about!

Just get down to some serious rumpy pumpy!!!!!

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