Im back!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hey all im back after having a fab time on my holiday id just thought id tell yah all and i have some great things to talk about too!! :D
oh god go on then make me jealous
i think i may have just missed u at the air port hun lol
Welcome back Flossy!!!!
What are you going to tell us then....... don't hang around!!!! We're a nosy lot you know!!!! :D :D
Emilia xx
...aaaahhhh the suspense is killing me!!!!!!!!!

welcome back though xxx
Must ask..... Do you have a bun in the oven or have you won lotto and now making plans to buy my house? :D :D :D
Emilia xx
:oops: :oops: Sorry for being so forward!!!!!

welcome back glad you had a great time.

xxx Katrina
oh god go on then make me jealous

LOL @ Sarah - I have to tell you that you crack me up! I mean that in a nice way, you make me smile - thank you!!

Welcome back Flossy, hope you had a great time, how were the kids?

emilia said:
have you won lotto

No, no, no, no. Its Hels turn to win tonight and mine next week. We have arranged it all, sorry Flossie you'll have to wait til the week after :D
Something went wrong Beanie....I didnt win :shock:
I dont understand, IT WAS MY TURN!!!
hels said:
Something went wrong Beanie....I didnt win :shock:
I dont understand, IT WAS MY TURN!!!

What!!! What happened, was expecting your next post to be from the paraise island. Bugger, hope this doesn't mean I'll have bad luck now, if I win I'll take you and Charlie on holiday (and I'll buy your house Emilia, with hunky neighbour included).
:D Well here we are i can tell you i have neither won the lottery or have a bun in the oven but i did have a fantastic time on holiday though!!! I ate too much and drank so much i awoke the following day with a foul hangover and boy did i feel rough :oops: we went para sailing which was ace although it made me feel slightly on edge suspended over all that water i even mad me feel a bit sick :cry: but it turned out to be good an experience im not likely to do again. we had a go at jet ski-ing to which was brilliant apart from when the o/h drenched me from crashing in and out of the waves going so fast :evil: mindue he wasnt so trusting when it was my go i wonder why??? :twisted: horse riding me and the girls done too although my horse was bloody awkward and wouldnt budge at all for me stupid thing hmmmm :shock: and karting was a laugh too although i never realised i could be so aggressive on the track it was more like a competition than a race!!!! :dance: oh hehehe i even got to gamble the o/h money away in the casino on the roulette table although i stooped when i won back my 20 euro's :D its hard to say and put everything down as we did so much but i had the best time ever and now we have come back and im all refreshed and ready to start all over again!!!! but now im looking forwards to next year when we go again!!!!! :D

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