im back!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well we got a new comp i was gone for a while cuz our comp got a virus.
But in the time ive been gone ive found out that im pregnant!
Im so happy but shocked ..
and i feel like crap
Am very very nausious, tired, headaches and been feeling very bloated and have been having cramping feeling.
I actually thought my period was coming cuz i was cramping i went and bought tampons thyem the next day didnt feel my self , had an extra test hanging around so i tested and got my BFP was running around my living room didnt know what to do really took a pic of it will post it later , been to the docs bloods came back positive , have no idea my actual due date yet but know its sometime in june!
Hope to catch up with you all.

Oh and my advice try not to stress this month we forgot all about it and i conceived good luck!
I just said congrats in the other post. You'll have to go and get yourself a ticker :D x

here is my pic hope it turns out, never saved Kiaras never thought of it :(
and thanks lindsay


congrats hun and welcome back what fab news :D
well done you :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks hun cant beleve your 14 weeks already time sure does fly by
How ya feeling?
i know hun its going so quick lol i hope the rest of the pregnancy goes this quick :pray: im not feeling too bad thanks hun a few aches and pains but generally ok now all the sickness has stopped :D
sorry your feeling so crappy hope your feeling better soon xxx
Congratulations :dance: Me and my oh are really trying not to stress this month so fingers crossed it will happen for us too

Gem xx
CONGRATUALTIONS!!!! That's amazing news!!! What an excellent surprise!!

Hope you feel better soon :D

Just wanted to add that this month that i concieved i checked my CP and CM daily and stayed in tune when i ovulated . I noticed a few days when af was due cervix was still hard but had lots of Cm which i usually dont, which gave me the hint it could be something good!! I still have more discharge then normal sorry if tmi :oops: and have another symptom i forogt which is twinges in my tummy.
Just thought ide add this cuz i know when some are trying ot conceive they wanna know everyone symptoms and what they did.
Good luck!
That's excellent news Katrina!! Well done girl!!

Very happy for you! Wishing you the best throughout your pregnancy!

Congrats :D

congratulations :cheer: hope you start to feel better soon

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