I'm back, thank you!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Thank you everyone for your well wishes, I'm really touched :hug:

I am home now and after the most frustrating, emotionally draining day I have ever had I got the medication that I need (ursofalk) so I now know Leorah will be ok. I'm quite upset about the experience and as some of you know I am having a section due to my anxiety over the birth and I am even more worried now as all my fears about the language were realised yesterday even though they all spoke good english.

I am going to write all about my day in the OC sticky so that in the future anyone else thats worried can see how they have will have a fight on their hands to be heard! I warn you if you are going to read it its quite long and explains how went in to be monitered and didn't even have my blood pressure checked!

Thank you all of you, its lovely to know that we might not have met each other but we are all there to support. A really big thanks to to Melanie for the texts and updates to you :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know its been said before but just want to say again that if anyone experiences itching of any kind make sure you get the appropriate tests done and don't let the doctors or midwives just presume that you have a regular pregnancy itch, this condition if left untreated can lead to a stillbirth, hence my panic to be heard. I also have to say thanks to Jo and xsuzx for all their info and support :hug:
Aww hunnie I am so sorry you had such a hard time :hug:

The thing is they don't see it as acommon pregnancy symptom, so they try to fob you off, but to me it seems it is getting more common.

it is ridiculous that we have to scream and carry on until someone takes us seriously.

I think it all depends on how clued up your MW or Dr is

Anyway you are back home safe and sound and on the meds you need :)

How often do you have to go back in to be monitered etc.....
I had to go twice a week for bloods and monitering
Good to see you back and glad you didn't let them just fob you off and you're now having the proper care you need for you and baby. Won't be long now hun and you'll have your gorgeous bubba xxx :hug:
Thanks girls :hug:

Jo I am going twice next week for tests but after that I don't know but I am going to insist it is regular :wink:
Glad you are back home safe and well Skatty, was really concerned for you when I read your post yesterday. Glad you are feeling more reassured now, hope the rest of your pregnancy is problem and stress free. Have a great weekend :hug:
:hug: Im glad you and Leorah are safe and sound hun!
Katty so glad you're back as well, was really concerned when I heard you'd been admitted! You think you're finally on the last and safest stretch and then this happens. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly even with all the additional check ups.
Take care hun and great to have you back... :hug:
skatty im so happy you're back. Take care :hug: :hug:
Hi skatty

Really glad you're back and ok and most importantly have the medications, the itching should hopefully improve after a few days.

like Jo said it's such a shame that we have to stamp and shout to be listened too.

Even though it's rare it's thought that it is becoming common as more people are becoming aware of the condition and seeking the help we need.

Hopefully drs will start taking more notice this and take it as seriously as they do pre-eclamsia as it is just as dangerous for the babies.

god I'm going on again

really glad your getting what you need and I hope the itching subsides soon, just think it won't be long before you'll be seeing you little one.

Hey Skatty

Glad you are back and I am glad all is ok.

Take care hun :hug:
Hey I missed you Skatty and you Little L!!!! Glad your back with us :hug:
I'm so glad your back hun and relieved to hear you are now getting the treatment you need. This place is fantastic for keeping you on the ball.
Thank you for all your lovely messages :hug:

I have to admit I'm still feeling down as I'm still not sure I am going to be monitered as much as I should. I can't believe that my itching is starting to calm down already after 2 days of the medication so at least that's good.

I am seeing a consultant about my section on Thursay and have a printed fact sheet about OC stating what kind of monitering I need and recommending early delivery to eliminate the stillbirth risk so please keep your fingers crossed for me that it goes down ok!

Xsuzx I will be exactly the same about shouting about this condition to other mums to be in the future, I can't believe how little is known about it even amongst the medical proffession!

Daggers you are right, I thought I was sailing through with 9 hours uninterrupted sleep a night, no pains and lots of energy and all of a suddden this happens! I never saw something like this coming at all! I actually just logged on to see if you had had your little boy but I'm guessing not yet! Good luck :D

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