I'm back from scan and its a........UPDATED more clothes P.2


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I'm in shock because ITS A BOY!!! We are so happy we couldnt beleive when she showed us his 'boy bits!!' as we really expected a girl and so has everyone else thought that! But we are over the moon to be getting a little boy especially OH as he cant wait to teach him to ride his 1st MX bike! :shock: We always said we wanted a boy 1st so our daughter eventually has an older brother to look out for her! I cant wait! Went straight to the shops to buy some clothes.........

So excited!! The baby had grown so much although he's in the breach position so that explains why the movements i feel are always low as he's still lying very low down as thats where he's most comfertable apparantly but he may move soon. Its so good to be able to say 'he'now! Thanks for all your messages and Dannii and Gem good luck with your scans they will be amazing too!! XXX
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Ohhh YEAH, a BIG BIG CONGRATS on your little boy. xxx
Oh wow!! The piccies are lovely!!

Congratulations on your little boy (the clothes are fab!)

Team Blue! YAY!

Thanks everyone its great to be in a team at last!!XX
:cheer: Congratulations on your lil boy, boys are great :) and proper cute t-shirts
Congrats on joining Team Blue!

I love the Daddys My Hero t-shirt, really cute!

Alex xxx
Congratulations! The clothes are too cute!!
Yay, another team blue! I think we're winning :D

Congrats xx
Yay! Cograts on being team blue :cheer:
me and dh also hope for a boy first to be the big brother but staying team green.
congratulations hun
have u got any names yet ?

did u get the tops from BHS ?
Congratulations hun -I was wrong!!!!!

The clothes are lovely, really cute :D

Sarah&Braydon said:
congratulations hun
have u got any names yet ?

did u get the tops from BHS ?

We think Archie or Reggie what do you guys think?? And yes tops from Bhs!! Ive since been to monsoon and baby Gap and got some more things that are even more cute, you should see the shoes!!!!!! He's gonna be the most fashionable baby ever!

Thanks everyone I love being in team blue!
Fantastic news congrats on team blue :cheer:

I love Archie for a name :D Also post pictures of all your other clothes please, I like to aww over baby clothes :D
Mildly said:
Fantastic news congrats on team blue :cheer:

I love Archie for a name :D Also post pictures of all your other clothes please, I like to aww over baby clothes :D

Thanks Mildly I was hoping someone would ask I couldnt wait to show people!! Babygrow and shoes (HOW CUTE!!!!) from Baby Gap and coat from Monsoon (for when he's about 6 months but HAD to buy it!!!! xxx
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That duffel coat is so sweet and aww at the shoes :D

Whether I have a boy or girl I am so dressing them in boys clothes, they are so are much cuter :D Just like to point out that definitely means I'm having a girl and I bet she'll want to wear dresses too :lol:

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