I'm back! And it's all good! PICTURE ADDED!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Just back from my first midwife appointment and scan!

Everything is fine, it has arms!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Midwife was great, and I saw the consultant. I'm a bit of a medical freak, so i'm getting the full bhoona of tests!

I'm a severe asthmatic, my mum is diabetic, my second cousin has just had a baby girl born with spina bifida, and there is spina bifida on my dad's side too.

So i'm to see the chest specialist on Friday, get a glucose tollerance test at 24 weeks and have the full screaning and scans done on pumpkin (aptly named due to the fact that I am due in October!)!

The ultrasound was great, although she put me back a week (probably something to do with the fact I was on the pill....ooopppss!). Pumpkin was moving about, but wasn't wanting to move its head to let her get a measurement and kept putting its hands over its face when she tried to get it to move!!!!

Then, when she said "Let's get a picture", Pumpkin lay back with one arm behind its head as if posing!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

So, thanks to you all for your support over the past wee while! Here's to happy, healthy 2nd tri's and babies!!!!


Congratulations hon, that wonderful news x x
Hi Lainey - glad all went well and also that they're going to monitor you. It does make you feel better once they tell you everything is ok so you need to try to enjoy it now. can you post the pic of the poser? x
Pic deleted

Might be a bit small.....but I think you can click on it!

Glad you've had your scan and all was well hopefully you can relax a bit more now,Good scan pic too :D
aww glad it went well and your scan pic is lovely :cheer:
aww thats a real nice picture you have there.

glad they monitoring u and glad it all went well congrats :D

:dance: :cheer:
Awww great news babe lovely picture too :hug:
Lainey I've had a brill idea! Your baby is a poser and my baby has really long legs so how about we team them up and make us Mummy's some dosh! :D

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