I'm back again Number 5 on board!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
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Hi Ladies!
I havnt been on here much since Alice was born. She's almost 9 months old now and I've found out today that womb invader number 5 is on board!
This wasn't planned, but both me and DH are very happy, albeit a little scared of being Mammy & Daddy to 5.....eek! Does anyone else have large family's, who could offer some advice and maybe some witty comebacks to the idiotic comments I know I'm going to get once we announce the pregnancy?
My Children are 11, 10, 9 and 9 months right now, so I've had very close gaps before. Seems surreal that after an 8 year gap I'm having another 2 close together 😃

Hope everyone's doing ok xxx
Welcome back and congratulations!! Theres a lady on here called jjmum... you may find her in tri2/3 (shes just moved to 3) in sure she would be more than happy to offer some advise as she is on her 5th pregnancy too :) xx
Welcome back Hun....do u remember me?!lol. Im ttc my 3rd baby just started this month xx
Thanks MummyBee...I'll track her down haha ��

Hey Sarah! Of course I remember you! How's the little guys doing? It doesn't seem like two minutes ago that we were all getting our BFPs last time does it. Sending you lots and lots of baby dust for this month! X
Aww I know...it only feels like yesterday! Yeah they are doing good thanks..how's ur kids getting on? Thanks Hun I'm just hitting ov now xxx
Ah that's great.
Yeah they're doing fab. My eldest goes to secondary school in September so big changes. Hard to think she isn't so little anymore. It's her leaving ceremony for primary school soon....I'll bet the hormones are raging in the form of lots of tears that day haha.

I'll be keeping everything crossed for you! Xx
Oh wow MrsH, I remember us all ttc together and getting our bfps on the same day. Congratulations on number 5, I would love to ttc now but breastfeeding is keeping AF at bay. Hoping to ntnp from aug/sept time though xx
How strange Kanga! I was just thinking about you the other day when Sarah posted on this thread aswell.

It was a bit of a shock to say the least haha, but we're overjoyed and very excited. I'm going to wait quite a while before telling anyone, we all know how people's brains arnt connected to their mouths when they speak to pregnant woman and I think I will end up bursting a blood vessel haha.

Wow! Well done for still breastfeeding! That's fantastic! I lasted 8 weeks with Alice. I really loved it, but she was a very hungry baby and was feeding every 2 hours for a good 45 minutes, and with the other 3 to look after too it just got a bit too much.
I'm hoping to breastfeed with this little one too...hopefully he/she won't be as hungry as alice was lol.

I'll be keeping an eye out for you TTC! So exciting all these babies!! Lots of baby dust for when the time comes!! X

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