ill :o(


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Evening all...

Had a rubbish day today - was going to call in sick but my conscience got the better of me. I feel like I've been gargling razorblades and my head is pounding. Someone else was off sick today also and I had to cover all their jobs which was awful, because then I felt like I couldn't go home even if I wanted to :(

I made some mistakes and people were moaning at me...I'm so glad to be home now! I'm in my jamas, OH is making me lots of decaf coffees and I have a bar of dark chocolate to eat later when I feel better. It's horrible being sick and pregnant....I could take a paracetamol I suppose but I'd rather not, so am just going to try and sit this one out...


C xxx
:hug: awwww stinky! Hope you feel better soon and eat all that yummy dark chocolate!!!!
:cry: me too! i must admit i did make the call of shame into work but i certainly wouldnt allow that place to make me feel worse in my condition, its so not worth it. its really poo because i feel dreadful and didnt have the heart to call my sister to say i cant have my neice tomorrow because i have promised the beach and she is really excited!! i dont know how i am going to do it without being able to dose myself up :wall:

mmmm chocolate and coffee, now theres a medicine! really hope you feel better soon
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww thankyou Nicki and blessed83 :hug: It's horrid being ill at the best of times, let alone when you're preggers :(
Aww Claire hun, sorry you're feeling poorly :( Sounds like you are being well looked after though :cheer: Men are a gift sometimes!!

Hope you recover soon and I really mean this - well done for going into work today - you're a real trooper. It's horrible feeling ill, especially in this heat! :hug: xx
Thanks for the kind wishes everyone :hug:

Still feeling grotty today :( LO is being very quiet, don't think they feel too good either apparently! Have felt a few small twitches so I know all is okay... This heat is unbearable though, feel like I'm going to suffocate in our flat. I am currently parading around in the nude :oops: trying to cool down, and eating ice lollies from the freezer...

Think I will go for a walk into town in a little while, can't bear to be cooped up...ugh, I hate being ill!!! :wall:

C xxx
Aww bles ya hun, i had a friend come down from london not too horrible and leave me with a hell of a bloody cold ! Im still coughing now, apparently things are just that bit harder to shake off when your preggers ! Lo's probably just too hot and bothered to do too much wringgling like we all are :D
Hope a bit of a walk, and possibly some good old window shopping, and overpriced thorntons icecream !?!?! (you know you want to ) will make you feel better !! :cheer: :hug:
:hug: Hope you're starting to feel better. Don't push yourself too much with work! If other people can have days off when they are ill you should too without feeling guilty.

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