I'll never complain about the Royal Mail again!!- ARGH!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I hate the postal service here in Hungary it totally sucks. Half the time they nick your mail, they hang on to it for bizarre reasons and charge you to get it even though its an EU country so there are no import taxes on things received from the UK. Basically they are crap, thieving gits.

I've sent a few things to the UK that have gone missing or taken forever to get there. I sent a small parcel to Valentine and it took ages to get there :evil: but this latest one just takes the mick. Agessssssssss ago i sent out a babywearing DVD to Zebrastripes, it took bloody ages to copy to another disc but i had to do it frame by frame and then merge it back together. I thought it was weird that i hadn't heard if she got it or not but didn't think too much about it because mummys = busy. Now i get a letter from the Hungarian postal service to say that they have impounded the package because the disc may contain sensitive materials! They make this crap up as they go along. WTF? Put it a bloody player and look it if your that worried. Not only that but if i want it back i have to go and PAY THEM FOR IT! The price they want would work out as more expensive than actually just buying it new! They only do these things to expats, i can guarantee that if the return address label had had a Hungarian name on it instead of mine it would have just been posted.
Zebrastripes you will get your dvd, i just have to do it again because i ain't paying them for it and i'll see if Richard's work will post it for me.

:evil: :x

Plus i had to go to the shop at 7am this morning, fax the letter to my friend so she could call me and read it in case it was something important because i was worried as it was a government to be signed for letter!

Ok i'll stop ranting now! At least the weather is nice lol.
Oh Mel, that's rubbish! Bless Royal Mail - they might be rubbish, but at least they aren't that bad!

However the irony is that you'll be back in the U.K. soon and then I'll bet you'll miss Hungarian idiosynacricies (sp?)!

Valentine Xxx
Argh! They sent me another letter this morning. They can sod off if they think im going to pay to collect mail that was mine before they got their hands on it anyway!
Sounds like madness !!!
Rant away their confiscating all you stuff !!
Melanie said:
I hate the postal service here in Hungary it totally sucks. Half the time they nick your mail, they hang on to it for bizarre reasons and charge you to get it even though its an EU country so there are no import taxes on things received from the UK. Basically they are crap, thieving gits.

I've sent a few things to the UK that have gone missing or taken forever to get there. I sent a small parcel to Valentine and it took ages to get there :evil: but this latest one just takes the mick. Agessssssssss ago i sent out a babywearing DVD to Zebrastripes, it took bloody ages to copy to another disc but i had to do it frame by frame and then merge it back together. I thought it was weird that i hadn't heard if she got it or not but didn't think too much about it because mummys = busy. Now i get a letter from the Hungarian postal service to say that they have impounded the package because the disc may contain sensitive materials! They make this crap up as they go along. WTF? Put it a bloody player and look it if your that worried. Not only that but if i want it back i have to go and PAY THEM FOR IT! The price they want would work out as more expensive than actually just buying it new! They only do these things to expats, i can guarantee that if the return address label had had a Hungarian name on it instead of mine it would have just been posted.
Zebrastripes you will get your dvd, i just have to do it again because i ain't paying them for it and i'll see if Richard's work will post it for me.

:evil: :x

Plus i had to go to the shop at 7am this morning, fax the letter to my friend so she could call me and read it in case it was something important because i was worried as it was a government to be signed for letter!

Ok i'll stop ranting now! At least the weather is nice lol.

Lol, I didn't want to say anything because you had said Hungary was a bit weird when it came to post, and I thought it'd get here eventually because TBH over here is abit weird with post too :lol: and then I did send you a pm but my computer has been acting up lately and kept crashing :wall: and then I had exams and forgot about it :lol:

Hope you don't thinkI was being rude: cause i'm used to really dodgy post as well and just thought our postie had forgotten to give me it or something (he's a bit doolally and does things like that but it's cause he was held up by the IRA in the troubles so we're patient with him)

Oh and don't worry about the DVD, it's going to put you to loads of trouble, hopefully i can just get those terrorist training videos off YouTube :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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