If you smell burning at 2.30am..


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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..it could be your outside electric box :shock:

We had 2 fire engines out boxing day night as I woke to the smell of burning, not content I couldn't find anything in the flat, I went out and checked neighbours windows to see if anything was on fire, saw nothing, came back into my flat and there was smoke coming from a cupboard next to the door :shock: Opened the electric box on the outside wall and it was glowing, and smoking, it was on fire :shock:

Apparently this is quite common :shock: :shock: :shock: so thought I'd mention it, it was very scary but everyone's fine except the firemen said our living room and bedroom are fire hazards due to all our belongings, we have no space :( the council still haven't moved us from the 1bed flat so until they do that's praying on my mind, blooming firemen :roll:

Posted not to scare but just to say be aware if you have an outside electric box :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh gosh how scary for u
go to council tell them wot happened and that its not a space thing anymore ur now in danger, may work
Wow that must have been really scary. Lucky you found it before it could do any damage :hug: :hug:
Well done you for tracking it down...I obsess about fire and smoke and wake up in the night convinced I can smell it!

I also think you should chase up the council after what the firemen said. I hope you get somewhere asap :hug: :hug:
eek! :shock: glad u and ur family are ok amy :hug:

whats an outside electric box? :think: i dont kno where ours is! is it different to the fuse box under the stairs?
ohh heck thats really scary, also there are a few kids on the next estate from us going around cutting the pipes off coming from the meters from inside the house cos they are copper! its scary isnt it and so dangerous they dont realise, all for a few quid.
Thanks everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:
They firemen also attached new smoke alarms in our hallway and bedroom, apparently if you contact the fire service they will come to your home and do this for free for anyone worrying about fire safety :hug:

Trixipaws it contains the electric meter, so it can be read without need to come indoors, the fuse box isn't in it, it also has the token meter for pre-pay and is where supply meets home.

xrachx that sounds a bit dangerous yes, are they doing it to gas pipes?? Apparently electric pipes/boxes are made in such a way they will smoulder for days, rather than go up in flames or explode.

https://www.fire.gov.uk/Home+safety/IsY ... eVisit.htm
a block of flats near us totally exploded in flames on Christmas Day - the poor people lost everythin except the clothes they were wearin when they escaped :( :( :(

and they think it was an arson attack - ON CHRISTMAS DAY!!! wtfs wrong with people :x :x :x

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