If one more person......


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Pats my tummy or says ... ooo you are big now... I think I am going to scream

Why do strangers think its ok to pat my tummy - i just want to scream!!! Even friends i dont like!! does anyone else feel the same??

I am starting to get grumpy about it and be sarcy to people... well yes i am big as i am six months pregnant .... surprise surprise!!

How does anyone else deal with it... my one liners seem to be getting harsher!!!
lol!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Aww hun you poor thing! I find it so rude how people think just because your pregnant they have a right to invade your personal space, if you wasn't pregnant and just a bit fat they wouldn't think twice of touching you :roll:

I ain't got to that stage yet but when I do, I'll just be moving back from the grasping hand back into my own space.
I havent got to that stage yet, but im already fed up with people commenting that im not that big, or im getting big, or I am big, different people say so many different things! They do think you are public property and can say what they want and touch you....I feel your annoyance hun :hug:
I know!! I am relieved I am not the only one!!

At my yoga class I would say I am average with teh girls the same time as me !! if not on the small size! but tbh I can cope with those comments as just have a one liner - yeah I am pregnant - remember!! and walk away! or give a sarcy smile!! and they dont say it again!! my MIL has been the worst!! today I lost it with her and said yes ...so you keep saying!! if you dont stop telling me i will hybernate!! I am supposed to be getting bigger i have a baby inside me!! so lets stop the comments on my size before I do get huge!! my OH just said mum I told you not to keep on !! and then we all laffed - well she wont mention it again !! my OH had told her a week ago it got on my nerves and i hate it!! and yet she still went on today!! so more fool her!!

but to be honest its the patting the stomach really!! that what really gets me !! we went to a mince pie and mulled wine party this afternoon and complete strangers saw the need to pat my stomach!! I was like whos that!! patting my stomach!! its off limits!! and everyone laffed!!

try to do it with good humor but it does get on my tits!!!
i've not got to that stage

one of the girls at work didnt realise i was pregnant until she heard me say something to someone else, then she kept staring at my tummy, and that kinda annoyed me

followed by one of the others saying 'i've always wondered, does it actually feel like something moving in you?' ... i was like 'umm yeah, because she is!!'
By the way hun you still have a TTC ticker on your signature????? :think:
I feel your annoyance too.Im not that big in my opinion, apart from the MIL saying i have a big bum :eek: I havent had much comments yet. However when i went in to get my hair trimmer this week the woman said how my hair was so glossy and shiny and i said i was 19 wks preg and when i stood up she bent down rubbed belly and said 'ooh where are you hiding it?'

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: soz but i had to laugh :D i get it all the time one of my friends think cas she knows me she can have a right feel of my bump :talkhand: i just let them say what they want but when touching the bump i often say jokingly 'step away from the bump' it realy anoys me however i know it's only for 9/10 months so i try to ignore it (except when i'm very hormonal) today will be a big test cas aparently my bump is getting rather large (according to hubby)
just try to grin and bear it hun you only have 3 months left :hug: :hug:
Iv only had a few familly members pat my tummy.
It just feels wierd, I dont like it.
I hope I dont get strangers doing it too.
Ill be telling them where to go if they do :lol:
I don't mind, I LOVE people touching my bump. I stick in their direction :D

I don't like people asking how far I am though, cause when I say 3 months they go all quiet and 'Oh............' (my bumpage is rather large :lol: )
my ohs nanna lifted my top up and kissed my tummy last night... kinda sweet but she wouldnt do that normally and I have to admit I did feel like she was in my face abit!! ive had now fat ive got... fat not pregnant.... grrr :talkhand: step away from the pregnant woman she is hormonal and going to self destruct in 5 4 3 2 1..... :rotfl: :rotfl:
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am glad I am not the only one who feels that way!!

OK whats the best line you have used to basically say hands off!!
I normally just laugh it off at the moment but I could do with something to say to make them back off like!!!

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