Ideas for things to do to take mind off birth?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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Have realised that even though I have 9 weeks to go I have already started to get anxious.

I am not working and am in the house quite a bit which I think gets a bit much. So much so that I get anxious when I go out. So, I fugured the more I go out the less anxious I will be.

Any ideas on things I could do. Have been going to Aqua and Pilates and always make sure I go out every day but my mind is free to roam at the moment which isn't a good thing.
find a hobby.

Quite a few people i know took up card making when they we're at home. Quite cheep to do and Means you can make Birth Cards to let everyone know the little one is here. Or make Christmas cards/ birthday cards etc. Great thing to keep you busy and you are more prepared for when the time comes
God I'm not even halfway through pregnancy and birth scares me, I'm sure it's quite normal to be worried, go for walks, call people you haven't spoken to in ages. That's what I would do! X
Definatley do lots of walking if you can!! Still plenty of summer left so weather should be ok! Will help get baby into a good position for labour too which will help a lot with a quicker labour in the long run! Get in touch with any girls you know who are currently Pg or have little ones as it will be great if youve got a good network of mummy friends in place for when you little one arrives! xx

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