IBS - Safe constipation relief when BF?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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I have quite bad IBS and have to take senakot normally to ensure that I go to the loo regular, tried all the things like water, increased fibre etc in the past but it just doesnt work for me at all so need the senna to go. I was safe to take this in pregnancy but not sure if I am not im BF?

Im also on triple iron which will bung me up even more so really dont wanna get in a mess and end up really badly constipated cos im already getting cramps cos not been for a few days.....

Anyone got any idea? Or is there anything else thats safe to take?
I have a very serious bowel problem (had from birth), i had to take my normal type of herbal laxatives all thru my pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding and Sam is perfectly ok.

My GP made me feel very guilty about taking these pills whilst pregnant but i knew that if i didn't take them i'd end up very ill and probably miscarry. :cry:

Constipation can be very very nasty and you don't want to let it get too bad.

If i were you i'd carry on taking whatever you're used to and just keep an eye on your baby's nappies. Chances are it won't affect you baby at all but if your little one looks like he/she is getting diaorrhea (spelling?!?) then you might want to try something else.

Prune juice mixed with OJ can sometimes work.

Thinking of you. :hug:
Linseed is natural and safe to help make your stools softer, 'oily' and easier to pass, sorry can't really help :hug:
Two weetabix every morning without fail... You'll pop through the eye of a needle after a couple of days... Plus its a good routine to eat breakfast when breastfeeding and weetabix is good for you that way.
I had this really bad!!! and they gave me fibregel ...yeuch!!!!! or lanisol liquid i think its called xx
I agree with the weetabix as I had bad constipation the last few weeks of my pregnancy and weetabix was a god send.
happy_chick said:
I have quite bad IBS and have to take senakot normally to ensure that I go to the loo regular, tried all the things like water, increased fibre etc in the past but it just doesnt work for me at all so need the senna to go. I was safe to take this in pregnancy but not sure if I am not im BF?

Im also on triple iron which will bung me up even more so really dont wanna get in a mess and end up really badly constipated cos im already getting cramps cos not been for a few days.....

Anyone got any idea? Or is there anything else thats safe to take?

keep taking the irno as you need it more than ever esp if you're BF. Im not sure about the senna. Ask tyour midwife.
Senna which is the active ingredient in Senokot is generally safe while breastfeeding but in large amounts it can cause diarrhoea in your baby. It all depends on how often you use it. I would double check with your Dr to be sure but it should be OK if its a moderate dose.
Yeah i already have weetabix, its part of my routine that I cant live without haha! Ive taken senna and its helped just gunna take wen desperate, also started taking fibersure the new one u add to water which chemist said is fine to take wen BF so that should increase my fibre and help... fingers crossed! lol
I have suffered with constipation all my life and the best thing is prune juice, works really quickly. Tastes gross, better if refrigerated and just downed! Good luck
Been to see doc and he's given me something to take thats safe while breastfeeding, hopefully will get some relief soon :pray: :oops:

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