I've had 1 ectopic / miscarriage (diagnosis was never clear), 1 ectopic with tube removed, 1 missed miscarriage recently and also a deep vein thrombosis. The NHS have basically ignored my pleas for testing as I don;t fall into the clear "3 miscarriages" category so my mum scraped together the money for me to go private - it's not cheap but if anyone is having a similar experience to me and can spare the money I would recommend it....
I was seen within a few days and blood was taken at the first appointment. Im having the thrombophilia tests only and get the results in 2 weeks (in London theres an 8 month waiting list on the NHS!!). The doc was a miscarriage expert (www.themiscarriageclinic.co.uk) and said that the NHS werent managing my pregnancy properly - I was due to go on heparin at 13 weeks as I had a previous DVT but he said that there was no point starting me on heparin at 13 weeks as the highest risk of blood clots is firstly just after delivery and secondly during weeks 1 12! He said if my tests come back ok then I should take aspirin daily (75mg) throughout my next pregnancy (from or before conception) and heparin for 2 weeks after delivery, because of my history. If they come back with a thrombophilia condition then we would discuss alternative treatment to include heparin.
Hope this helpa anyone in a similar situ xxx
I was seen within a few days and blood was taken at the first appointment. Im having the thrombophilia tests only and get the results in 2 weeks (in London theres an 8 month waiting list on the NHS!!). The doc was a miscarriage expert (www.themiscarriageclinic.co.uk) and said that the NHS werent managing my pregnancy properly - I was due to go on heparin at 13 weeks as I had a previous DVT but he said that there was no point starting me on heparin at 13 weeks as the highest risk of blood clots is firstly just after delivery and secondly during weeks 1 12! He said if my tests come back ok then I should take aspirin daily (75mg) throughout my next pregnancy (from or before conception) and heparin for 2 weeks after delivery, because of my history. If they come back with a thrombophilia condition then we would discuss alternative treatment to include heparin.
Hope this helpa anyone in a similar situ xxx