I was in 'early labour' this morning for an hour


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Very confusing, I know...

I was at church this morning and I started to have very strong lower back pains like when i'm on my periods, every 10 minutes, accompanied with strong contractions on my belly (stronger braxton hicks). Very unconfortable feeling, so we left church and called the midwife for her opinion.

She asked me to described my pains then said "it looks like you're going into an early labour, stay active and mobile, it might last til tomorrow".

but as soon as we got into the car the pains stopped. Now I'm at home, the pains have gone completely but it's strange that I had contractions for just an hour then nothing... :think:
oh i don't wanna get my hopes too high...
this was probably a false alert!
Ok Laetitia now sit down, cross your legs and tie your knees together - i'm next!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Only kidding hon, good luck hope it happens soon!!
alfie said:
Ok Laetitia now sit down, cross your legs and tie your knees together - i'm next!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Only kidding hon, good luck hope it happens soon!!

my OH really wants me to stay active. I told him "look, i'm on the forum, it takes a lot of typing you know..." if that's my definition of 'staying active', you're garanteed to give birth before me! :D
I wouldn't bet on it! I'm not being induced until Wednesday and I've got no signs of it happening any sooner!

Can't believe things are about to start happening for us all so soon!

Take it easy. Get plenty of rest - this is your last chance!

:hug: :hug:
omg laetitia i cant believe you're 38 weeks already :shock:
I know...
it feels like yesterday i was posting my 12 week scan pics :lol:
Hopefully, it will all happen soon hunni - I cant believe your ready too pop, i remeber posting on here when you were only 12 weeks gone :shock:

Cant wait too meet your little man though!
Ooooooo good luck hun, i hope things are starting for you :hug:
Welcome to the world of false starts!!

I've been having them for a week now. Yesterday we tidied up the house before bed incase my mum had to come and watch boys while we went to hospital, but nothing... all died off.

It is driving me CRAZY!!!
No No No.......Not before me. :D It's not fair. :D

Sounds like you could have your lo soon babes. :cheer: I think it can be quite common for this to happen.

Keep us posted on how you are doing and fingers crossed it won't be too long now. xxx

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