i want to smack my head of a wall


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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:wall: :wall: :wall:

just having one of them days...

Harley is poorly bless his little heart he has really bad eye infection they are all swallon and inflamed he is in alot of pain he also has a cough and cold so needs piece and quiet and cuddles

but Dior is being sooo naughty hitting him throwing things screaming if she dont get her own way!!!

i have heard of terror 2's - but this is a joke

im all worked up and feel like running out the door.

please tell me you mums have days like this

Ive been having a day a bit like yours too so no its not just you dont worry.
My son has been off school ill and my daughter (shes 3) has she been so naughty and trying me today shes fell asleep now but god i felt like going to bed and letting her get on with it :wall: lol hopefully she will wake up in a better mood :pray:

Sorry to hear harley is ill hope he gets better soon bless him :hug:
awwww hun im sorry your not having a good day today. I hope Dior settles a bit and Harley gets better soon darlin!! :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear your having a bad day hun, I hope Dior settles and Harley gets better very soon poor guy! Sounds like u need some peace & quiet chick!

:hug: :hug: :hug: for u x
i just put Dior in her cot strapped Harley in his buggy Dior was going mad!!!!

i sat in the front room with my head in my hands and chilled out for a few mineats i feel more refreshed now - poor Harley he aint done nothing wrong.

just cannot wait till5.30 when OH gets home - but this place really calms me down :angel:

sorry mishm :( hope your evening is better then your rough day
awww hun i hope he gets better soon. i had days like that all the time with reanna and i didnt haveanother child to look after. it was like the day after her 2nd birthday she became possessed and wud just try and push me with anything. i found just leaving th room and chilling for a few seconds with deep breaths help. hope she settles down quickly.

Oh Dionne sorry you are having a rough day :hug:

I get like that and when OH walks in i pass them over( i do mean them as Emily can be worse than Jack at times)

I go to my bedroom with a coffee and a mag and just ignore them all for 1/2 hour and feel so much better

Hope you have a better evening hun
dionne said:
:wall: :wall: :wall:

just having one of them days...

Harley is poorly bless his little heart he has really bad eye infection they are all swallon and inflamed he is in alot of pain he also has a cough and cold so needs piece and quiet and cuddles

but Dior is being sooo naughty hitting him throwing things screaming if she dont get her own way!!!

i have heard of terror 2's - but this is a joke

im all worked up and feel like running out the door.

please tell me you mums have days like this


its quite normal! we all have days like that and if anyone says they don't they are lying :hug:

are you ok now?
im feeling better now - i no dior gets jelous and i am always trying so hard to please her but today i just wanted her to let me comfort Harley for 5mins but she was very nasty about it. we have spoilt her rotten and pushed Harley out quite a bit as Dior is so demanding but she has to learn that squeeling dont get her her own way.

just been to asda - she loves shopping so kris and Harley stayed in the car so me and Dior could have some time alone but she was such hard work picking sweets off the shelves and eating them :oops: i tell her no she holds it tight and squeels "ITS MINE"
:wall: :wall:

tomorrow is another day i just hope she snaps out of it -its just her age. i can usually cope but not when Harley is poorly too.

was just upset today as she has never pushed me so much before

thanks for your kind words - you girls keep me sane :hug:

so sorry hun i have days like this as well but i cant imagine with two :(
Hope you have a better day tom and Harley feels better soon

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