I want my baby!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Im getting SO impatient its unreal, I want cuddles NOW :shakehead:
Im only 30 weeks tomorrow so still have like 10 weeks until due date but Im just getting so fed up and impatient.
Spd is getting awful, where ill be crying in pain at night time and it will take me 30 minutes to shuffle to the loo and back at 2am.
Although now it is lovely, her kicks are getting so strong, my boyfriend had his head on my belly last night talking to her and she kicked him really hard in the ear lol
But I just want cuddles, I just want her to be here and see her.
Am I just being impatiebnt, anyyone else feel like this?
Yep I'm the same...for ages it didn't seem real but now the house is nearly finished I want bubs here. The last few weeks seemed to have really dragged,I was hopin wiv Xmas round the corner it would go a bit quicker but it's still dragging. xx
yeah same, all of her clothes are sorted n everything we need for her we have so i feel ready.
tbh time seems to be going fast...just not fast enough lol
I'm sooo with you on that! I cannot wait to have my little baby girly! Just want to be changing nappies and stuff. Sounds stupid :) but I'm quite looking forward to becoming a mummy x
yeah im a bit like that too now hun xx wont be long now for us all xx
yes I am 30weeks today (changed my dates back to my own calculations!!) and I said to my bump, oh please make the time go quicker cos I am dieing to give you a little squeeze and a kiss :lol:
I want my LO now all I have is a cat to keep me company but I want cuggles and kisses and a little me to show off to people :p. I think we're all due bout the same time, aswell. xXx
Yeah looks like we are all due in similar times! Can't wait to put baby in pushchair and stuff :) x
oh i am so with u on this, I have 9 days left and am really feeling it I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!
Aw, me too!! I'm so desperate! Same as Emma, I thought with Christmas it would wizz past, but apparently not..!
it went slow for me from 27 weeks but with me having to go to hospital 3 times a week for monitoring its started to speed up again wont be long ladies xx
I'm a bit further along but it still feels like I've got AGES to go!
luckily everyone thinks my little nugget's gonna come early, I hope so!
I feel like the Lil one tagging along but I'm so with you.
I just want my son in my arms
I've got 13 weeks to go n it feels like I'm going to be waiting forever :(
for me it went real fast from about your stage til around 34 weeks,
hopefully it will be the same for you? XX
Yeah i feel this way too, going in far too slowly!

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