I WANT MY BABY!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Gosh ladies how do you do this? and more than once? I have 3 weeks left and i want him now! I dread to think how i'll be if i go over (Hayley is a saint for waiting so long)! Yesterday we got the new carpet in LO's room and its all decorated and today we're setting up all his furniture, 2moro the cots going in and then nothing! Just waiting! can anyone give me some tips on how to quickly pass the time as i am going to start going out of my mind!
I don't know what you can do! I have 10 weeks left and am just about ready already :lol:

Why not be really lazy and lie around reading books and watching tv? In my last few weeks I'm gonna watch the whole of Sex and the City and Footballers Wives and dream about being glamorous again!

Have you cooked some dinners for the freezer?

I think you should be really selfish and just do what you want while you can :wink:
I know, I do get told to do that alot but i get bored, im just so excited this is my first and to be honest i really didnt think i would get this far as have bad history but now that i have i just want to hold him in my arms, i know im just going to have to wait but im getting really impatient!
fingerscrossed - i don't know what i'd do if i was back at your stage... probably a DIY section... :shock: my bum is sore from sitting.. the hair around my face is broken off from pulling it... i am never again having another baby... but some of the stuff i did to pass the time;;; i've read 3 books, watched hundreds of birthing stories, ate my way thru hundreds of cakes n biscuits, enjoyed afternoon naps, walked around asda so many times i now know where every item is and the price, made hundreds of meals and froze them, washed the babies clothes, bedding etc twice, sorted out my wardrobe - it's now in item, colour and season order, taken down, washed and ironed all my curtains, sorted the airen cupboard out.... think thats it... oh and moaned, cried and laughed a lot...

good luck - i hope you don't go over - wouldn't wish it on anyone!

:rotfl: in reply to the title of the thread.

TOUGH. you'll have to wait :rotfl:
Some ideas from the self-confessed mistress of doing nothing.....(This is obviously in addition to all the housework I er...obviously do...ahem)

1) Round up every spare item in your house and sell it on Ebay

2) Buy yourself a colouring book and some felts (fab in front of Diagnosis Murder in the afternoons)

3) Scream at the idiots on Jeremy Kyle/Trisha show. Makes me feel so much better about my life.

4) Become a fixture in your local library

5)Take up knitting (it's the new cool you know). I've done a fab cashmere blend blanket for baby that was so cheap I won't care about the poo and sick!

Just a few ideas. I've loads more! Oh yes ladies, I am THAT sad! :)

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