I WANT morning sickness!


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2008
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No, I'm not mad. I know that I will regret saying this when I actually get it but does anyone else really want morning sickness?

I had it really badly with my dd 2 years ago and it made me feel "pregnant" and kind-of reassured me that my hormones were doing the right thing.

I'm just over 5 weeks now. When did everyone's start?
Im 9weeks, and it hasnt started yet....well until today, Iwas just walking round Sainsburys and the smells of the cooked meats were making me heave!! :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: are you mad????

Mine started at 5 weeks and I'm still getting it on an off now and I hate it.

I get what you mean about it being re-assuring though.... I was desparate to have some sickness and I was so pleased the first time it happened I rang my mum at 8am on a Sunday morning to tell her!! :rotfl:

Since then I've hated it every time. Luckily it's eased off a lot now and it's more on and off as opposed to all day every day like it was in the first 12 weeks or so.

fingers crossed that's it for me for this pregnancy.
mine started yesterday and im really happy about it :shock: lol
Remember women dont have to have morning sickness in order to have a healthy preganancy...this condition is called bloody lucky!!!! :)
Mine started around 6 weeks.

I'm not actually sick that often its more retching over the toilet whilst tears start streaming down my face as i hate being sick (not sure many people like it lol)

I know what you mean about it being a reassurance thing though.

Like Chrissy, i rang my OH at work to announce i'd just thrown up and he was just as excited as i was :rotfl:

I wanted it too...until i got it :(

It hit me just after the 6 week mark and I have it really badly at the moment. Ive been sick at least 5 times today. I feel like a complete hermit because I cant go out as I dont know when it is going to hit me. Cant even work at the moment, hey Im scared to venture 3ft from the loo!

Please dont wish it on yourself...I feel miserable :(
I had it all the way through pregnancy. While I was in the midst of it I felt awful, but you know what, I would happily go through another 9 months of it for baby number 2 :D
I know it is a small price to pay for a baby so I am trying not to moan too much :rotfl:
Awww, sorry to you ladies who are suffering but you're right that it's worth it. They say it's a good sign (even though not having it is NOT a bad sign).
I just can't wait to feel pregnant! I don't even have tender boobs yet.
You can have my morning sickness if you want! :lol:

I've been told it's a good thing but it doesn't feel like it at the moment.
i wish i could achaly be sick, i have my head in a buckket/ bowl wanting to be sick but just can't be sick i constantly feellike puking but nooooooo sick yet lol but my boobs are awfuly sore :shock:
Hi there

You are very very very very lucky so please do not wish this on yourself. I have just returned from nearly a week in hospital because of morning sickness (or should I say 24 hours a day/7 days a week sickness)

Just be really really grateful

Good luck with our pregnancy

x x
Anna23 said:
i wish i could achaly be sick, i have my head in a buckket/ bowl wanting to be sick but just can't be sick i constantly feellike puking but nooooooo sick yet lol but my boobs are awfuly sore :shock:

I'm the same. I feel sick all the time but the only time I actually vomit is when my stomach is empty so I just end up getting rid of whatever I have drank last and a bit of bile :roll:
Morning sickness still hasn't started for me, think I must be one of the lucky ones as doubt it will start after 16 weeks (hope not anyway!)

Seems pretty common not to get it at all, of all the female friends and family who've had kids that I've spoken to, not one of them had morning sickness, maybe something in the air up here!
Looloo - How awful...are you feeling better now?
hi there Sally

thanks for your message. I am feeling slightly better but am still taking anti sickness drugs which are helping slightly.

It really is sooooo horrid - I really do hope that it goes fully soon as life is very limited at the moment!!!

I am expecting twins so I suppose double the hormones!!!

Best of luck to you x x x x x
Mine started at exactly 6 weeks and I have been feeling absolutely horrendous ever since. As soon as I wake up, I am heaving. And I also find it worse at night.

Fresh bread is the smell that really sets it off and I was heaving in Asda the other day!

But I am having terrible trouble at work. An operating theatre is not a good place to work when you feel sick. I can;t scrub for any cases in case I have to leave the table in a hurry to puke and the smell of blood really sets me off. Feeling pretty miserable but luckily, my work colleagues are very understanding.

Still haven't found anything to ease it at the moment :(
Like you, I was worried about a lack of morning sickness & nausea and thought it might mean things weren't going ok, but I had my scan this morning... and there was my baby with a heartbeat and little stumpy, cute arms and legs!! So it goes to show... you don't have to have morning sickness to have a baby (saying that it'll strike with force tomorrow... lol).

Don't worry about it... just enjoy not feeling sick and eating what you want!
i thought mornign sickness only happened in the first trimester?

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