I want mine now


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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This is a pointless thread but I thought I would share anyway my friend has just been round with her little baba who is four weeks old and she a darling! I want mine now lol :)
i saw my friends baby he was 7weeks old n i didnt wanna give him back lol
awwwwwwww I not see any ickle ones yet but I still want em now lol
my friend had twins nearly a month ago
I saw them about a week ago and they are so precious :D
i know how u feel i saw my friends 9 week old baby at weekend and i wanted to take him home, bit scarry when he tried to latch on to my boob when i was holding him!!!instead of wearing little vest tops will be wearing jumpers!! maybe he could smell something!!xx
i want mine too :) really difficult when it feels like time is going slow, im getting quite impatient!! xx
Ooh Girls the time is just going sooo slow does it get quicker when you get over the halfway mark?
I feel like that everytime I see a bubba on the street!! Mrs s the next few weeks should fly by but I seem to have hit the stage where it's dragging again so it doesn't last long :( x
to be honest, just over the halfway mark for me, and i feel like ive been in the 20s for ages when i havent reallly!! so annoying!! lol i think when i get to about 30 weeks i will start feeling like its going quick lol x
Well actually I can stay at this stage happily for as long as baby likes, I am sooo not ready at home!
He has no where to go yet either, things are all up in the air. But it can fly by so I can leave work - that's for sure!!!

I found it went fast before 20 weeks and it's slowed to almost a stop now, funy how we all have different speeds, guess it depends what we are doing at the time in the rest of our lives.

Bet as xmas approaches , we will be so wrapped up in xmas shopping , etc , that we will wake up one morning , and be ready to pop, out of nowhere!

I have had all my babies after xmas Jan 19th, feb 22nd and march 11th, and this one will go the quickest after xmas!
Me too! I saw the cutest Halloween outfits last night and though, oooh I wanna buy them and dress baby up - not so easy right now, lol!

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