I took alice to her doctors for the first time today


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Ive been so lucky with my little dumpling. Apart from one day when i took her up A&E a couple of months ago because i couldn't get her temp down and she was throwing up all over everything, ive not really had any health issues with her.

Anyway, this weekend and last night in particular she hasn't been herself. She has been crying and grabbing her lady bits - Trying to claw her nappy off. She doesn't seem red and sore. There has been the odd time when she has SCREAMED when she has had a wee. Knowing how much pain i have been in with UTI's in the past thats what my first thought was.

Also, she has come out in little red dots over her legs and shoulders, i assumed they where flea bites as we are still having problems killing all the buggers (but i still have yet to be bitten myself :think: ).

So i took her to the doctors. she seemed nice enough but hasn't given me any answers. She said she thinks its unlikely to be a UTI as she isn't being sick - doesn't have a temp - is eating and drinking fine. i know i shouldn't really compare it to me, but ive never had any of them problems when ive had a UTI in the past :think: . She thinks the 'bites' are not bites, but just a rash - no reason what it could be, no suggestion if its linked or a separate issue, no help on if i should put anything on it (ive been putting sudocrem on them). I had to almost shove alices arm under her face for her to look at them.

So its left me no clearer as to why she seems in so much pain down below. she has moments of being ok - running around being a pest, then she just seems to droop - will do nothing but hug mummy and whinge. All her teeth are through, and she has never teethed like this before anyway (sorry ladies, most of alice's teeth came though and i didn't even realise she was teething!!). so im happy to rule teething out.

back to the docs - after me asking, she agreed we could send a wee test off if i was happy to collect one. even if is just to put my mind at rest. My evening is going to be spent running around after alice with a pot :roll:

Silly question, but when you have taken LO's to the docs, have they had their temp / bp / anything else checked? Doc hardly touched her (alice was clearly not happy to be near a stranger though - maybe she picked up on that :think: ).

Im so annoyed though. Ive been made to feel like im worrying over nothing. Alice is normally such a happy girl, i just have this feeling something isn't right - when a child sits on your lap arches her back and screams whilst she wee's i can't help but think she is in pain!

But saying that, she has drunk LOADS today and she seems to have perked up a bit. Apart from more water and cranberry juice is there anything else i can try to give her to help? :think:

sorry for the long and moaning post. OH thinks im over reacting, but doesn't seem to realise i can't shake the feeling she is in pain and its like im just being told to ignore it. he wasn't the one up all last night with her :wall:
:shock: at the doctor!

Her temperature should definitely have been taken! And a wee test doesn't need to be sent off - at my doctor's surgery he just stuck something in it, checked his results as said that yes I had and UTI.

I hope she's better soon! :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for the reply. I gave up trying to get a wee sample last night - she got more and more worked up. i don't know if it was just me, but i was really unimpressed with her doc - just didn't seem to give a dam. maybe its cause im so used to my doctor (who is such a lovely chap!! he only has a few years left before he retires which is why he can't put alice on his books).

we had a horrible night again. she is currently asleep leaning against me on the sofa. my poor little monkey :(

oh, kalia - did your little girl have any other symptoms? overly hot, off food etc?
It was for me not DD - I got it post baby so I was feeling rubbish anyway.

DD has an enlarged renal pelvis and had to take antibiotics everyday as a preventative against UTIs. We were told that the thing to look out for was temperature - if she had a UTI she would also have a temperature. That's why I'm so surprised the doctor didn't check second time! I think you should either make an appointment for yourself with your doctor but take her instead or just go to A and E and explain your daughter is very ill and you don't know what to do as your doctor was no help. Get the urine sample first in case they decide to get one by catheter. If your daughter does have a UTI I think you need to make an official complaint against the doctor.
Some doctors can make you feel so stupid but I am a huge believer that you know when your child is poorly and should always trust your instincts. This saved my daughter's life 2 years ago, so I speak from experience that sometimes you just have to keep badgering the docs if you are not happy with their diagnosis.

Is there another doctor you could see? We have several doctors at my practice and it took a few visits to find one I felt happy with. It does sound like something is up and you are the best person to know when something is not normal as you spend the most time with Alice.

I'd keep up the fluids if it seems to be helping but if you are still not happy then keep taking her back. Obviously keep an eye on other symptoms yourself, including her temperature if you can and if you think anything is getting worse then insist on a same day appointment or if you are really worried then it may need a few hours up at A&E.

Is she otherwise well in herself? I don't have much experience with UTIs. Have you spoken to NHS direct at all?
Definitely trust your instincts, I wish I had trusted mine more when Lucy was about 8 months and she ended up being diagnosed with a UTI 4 days after I took her to see the first doctor. In that time she saw 4 different doctors and a nurse practitioner and I was on the phone to the emergency doctor twice.

One of the doctors at A&E was so patronising and made me feel as if I was a dumb, young (24) over-reacting first time mum. Well yes, who was right in the end? ME!

I learnt the hard way to trust that I know when she's not right and not only that I'd rather them investigate properly (the A&E doc barely glanced at Lucy) and tell me it's ok than to be fobbed off.

If you're concerned about UTI's here's what I know about them in young children; the problem I had with Lucy was that she had very few symptoms but that in itself is a classic indication of a UTI. Lucy had a huge thirst and virtually no appetite which was not like her. She was unwell in herself and had a raging temperature.

I was told by the consultant peadiatrition that the first cause of action in a child who has the above symptoms - the key one being a complete lack of other symptoms (no cough/cold/etc) is to do a urine test. We were given little pads to put in her nappy and a syringe to get the wee out into a sample bottle.

I hope she's doing better but if you're in doubt go back. :hug:

Just wondered if she is still in nappies? If she is you can ask at the surgery for a small bag that you stick on her under her nappy to collect the sample. Much easier than chasing her round!
babynumbertwo said:

Just wondered if she is still in nappies? If she is you can ask at the surgery for a small bag that you stick on her under her nappy to collect the sample. Much easier than chasing her round!

they had something at the hospital the other month like that. I was thinking of getting a clean sandwich bag and using medical tape sticking it to her whilst she was asleep. I didn't think the docs would hand that kinda thing out. :think:

But she has perked up loads this afternoon (her afternoon nap was close to 3 hours!!). im going to try again tomorrow morning. She hasn't had any screaming fits all day and has been drinking loads. il see how she goes tonight. I don't think its 100% clear, but she doesn't seem to be in as much pain.

thanks for the replys. i was ticked off the other day when i posted. Im still not happy with what happened (well didn't happen). But its such a rare occasion i take her to the docs i will leave it for now. If i need to take her again and we see the same doc, i think i will end up asking to see the other doc at her surgery - or take her to my GP for a 2nd opinion.

(she is currently running backwards and forwards with a glove puppet on attacking her dad - she has really perked up!!! :cheer: ).
Awww poor Alice! UTI's are EVIL poor thing! Hope she gets better soon, sounds like you're doing everything you can to help her unlike your Doctor... :x Glad she's a bit better today though :hug:

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