I think it's normal..but need confirmation ladies


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Hey guys, like I said I don't wana become a hypercondriac (sp?) but it'd really help if you laides could reply and try to put my mind at ease.

Bump has started getting heavy and REALLY strong and active (feels sometimes like he's trying to kick his way out :rotfl: ) the last 2 weeks. I'm also starting to get physically knackered doing simple things like walking to the shop lately...so I take these all as good signs :)

However the last 2days I've felt very light headed all day with on and off headaches....physically knackered....bump's been REALLY active... but as well as him kicking my lower abdoman/pelvis has felt really tight and bruised even when I'm wearing the baggiest clothes I can find...and I get a few muscle spasems on and off throughout the day which don't feel like the baby and I can feel the muscles inside in my pelvic area spasem as well.

It's made me very aware of the muscle lining between my legs :oops:
And they definately don't hurt but I feel quite fragile and have spent most of the last 2 days just resting and lying down because I start aching all over quite quickly if I stand up for any length of time such as walking to the shop or doing the washing up.

I'm assuming this is just natural developments as bump seems to be going through a massive growth spurt....but because it's left me feeling fragile I thought I beta ask around :hug:
I don't really have any advice hun as I am feeling exactly the same at the moment. I think its all normal though but like you for the past few days I've been feeling very dizzy and light headed and I can't shake it off, have been sent for blood tests so will have to see what they come back with. Maybe mention your dizzyness to your M/W and see what she suggests. I think it is all because our bodies are working extra hard to take care of LO. Sorry if this has not been much help! :hug:
thanks for the reply. i'm seein m/w for 1st time on thurs morning (mainly coz i need to try and get my matb01 :roll: ) so will mention it then.
lauranjamesnbaby said:
I don't really have any advice hun as I am feeling exactly the same at the moment. I think its all normal though but like you for the past few days I've been feeling very dizzy and light headed and I can't shake it off, have been sent for blood tests so will have to see what they come back with. Maybe mention your dizzyness to your M/W and see what she suggests. I think it is all because our bodies are working extra hard to take care of LO. Sorry if this has not been much help! :hug:

I agree its always worth having a check up over these things and can sympathise 100% with how you are feeling, look after yourself take it easy and get your MW to check you to ensure that you are ok

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