I think I'm going slightly mad...


Active Member
Nov 23, 2011
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I am really hoping someone can give me a dose of sanity as I am driving myself bonkers today!

Last month was my 1st using the CB OPKs and I got my smiley face on CD 12&13. Well today is CD13 and I am working myself up into a right state because I haven't had a positive yet this cycle.

One thing I am wondering about is whether the fact that I have recently given up smoking (Its been 16 days 16 hours 26 mins and 20 seconds to be precise!) may be impacting on my cycle. I have read some journal articles that say smokers are 4 times more likely to have cycles of 25 days or less (my last few since keeping track have been 24). So could it be that I am ov'ing a little later and my cycle may get a little bit longer (my luteal phase has been 10/11 days in the past so a couple more days could be helpful)?

Also I am getting a little EWCM obsessed due to my apparent lack of it. Trying to force myself to drink Green Tea which I really don't like :shakehead:

Just needed to get it off my chest - thanks for listening ladies!
Hi Hon,

Please do not stress, I was told only recently that you do not actually ovulate every month!!! or perhaps it is your body adjusting to no nicotine. Keep on doing the tests I am sure it will happen in the next day or so.
Love Gizzy xxx
You might not necessarily ovulate the same time this cycle, keep testing x
Feel silly asking but i dont know what EWCM is? :blush:

Egg white cervical mucas I believe. You are supposed to get this around ovulation time although I have never had any visible signs of it. x
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Haha, yeah it is all confusing but you get used to it. x
All my non ttc friends think I'm nuts with all the terminology! X
All my non ttc friends think I'm nuts with all the terminology! X

I went to my female GP yesterday as i have a throat infection... now she is the GP who you can see the whole way through your pregnancy if you dont want to deal with just midwifes...and she was reading my file on her pc and she asked me if i was pregnant due to what a previous male GP had written that we were TTC, when i told her i was on my 2WW, she went through the inspection of my throat and said as i could be pregnant she would have to be careful which antibiotics she gave me...she gave me "safe ones" and then continued to ask me what a 2WW was!!!! i couldnt believe it!

Also when i collected my tablets i always check the info inside and it said that it has been proven that it can cross over to the embryo!! WTF.. Do i take them or do i go back to her and find out WTF she is all about ?
Hmmm, I'm not sure tbh. I would probably go and have a chat with the pharmacist and explain that you are ttc and see what they say x
Hey furry
Alot of medications say not to take if chance your pregnant due to them not having trialled them in pregannt people.
In terms of it crossing over, I dont think this would be a prob at such an early stage of possible pregnancy as there is no placenta for it to cross...but im by no means an expert if your worried call the docs leave a message for the gp.
Thanks ladies, i think i will speak to my local pharmacist and see what she says.
hahah i mentioned egg white cervical mucus in front of Liam last night and he was totally bemused

he thinks i am going mad!
Lol, you should see my OH face when I talk about luteal phases!
do u only get excm when u actually ovulate? I don't think I had any this month, but previously I normally get it every month? x x
and do u get it the day u ovulate or after? sorry to take over thread :oooo: and how do u work out ur luteal phase? x x
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see from what i have been reading, you get watery discharge when you are fertile and then you get thicker but still fertile discharge the day you ovulate (EWCM) and then its goes thicker and creamy

but i dont know if i am confused because people here seem to talk about EWCM BEFORE they ovulate and i only get that the day of/day after... before i OV my mucus is watery and slippery and there is sometimes TONNES of it (like this month, absolutely loads and loads of the stuff, so much that liams willy fell out a couple of times lol!
see from what i have been reading, you get watery discharge when you are fertile and then you get thicker but still fertile discharge the day you ovulate (EWCM) and then its goes thicker and creamy

but i dont know if i am confused because people here seem to talk about EWCM BEFORE they ovulate and i only get that the day of/day after... before i OV my mucus is watery and slippery and there is sometimes TONNES of it (like this month, absolutely loads and loads of the stuff, so much that liams willy fell out a couple of times lol!

how funny :rotfl: I must admit I do seem to be quite most alot of the time too. Think I might start a thread about it, really sorry for taking over thread :) x x
Fi, you really crack me up!!

Totally pissed myself laughing with your Liams willy falling out comment.:rofl:

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