I Think I May Have Lost Some Plug.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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I just wiped myself and saw some gluey type (TMI) discharge on the paper, no pink in it though. I am not sure if it was but I will be now be keeping a thorough check :D
Could be i dont know as i have yet to experience anything like that.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you hun :D
That's great news! Sounds like how others have described losing bits of plug!!!

Daniel's on his way! :cheer:
Could be - but I've had quite a bit of this and MW saw some today and said it was just discharge :( - it can contaminate your wee because it contains a lot of protein apparently (as it did to mine today :lol; ) so maybe mention it at your next check in case they pick up protein in your wee :)
NOT FAIR :evil: Im not congratulating you lot losing your plugs anymore..not until I am too!! :twisted: :lol:
I think I may just be looking for any signs now, pains I notice, discharge etc as I was three weeks early and 6Ib 10oz. A mate of mine had her little boy 5 weeks early and she was 5 weeks early too.

I am also now desperate for cuddles with my little man, I think he must be bored in there now, oh and I am desperate for chocolate too! :wink: :lol:
I lost mine at 31 weeks, with quite a bit of blood. Will probably still go over-due though, according to my midwife lol

My show with Brody was clear like jelly, no red :)
Just a quick update. Since I discovered some (I'm sure it was some plug :think: ) discharge on the toilet paper, I've had nothing since.

I have though had quite achey period type pains over the past few days but not regular. Mind you today I had them around 1:00 this afternoon and I have them again now. I am sure that they are nothing, but as I am so near now I can't help wondering.

I am watching Exocist - The Beginning later with OH so maybe it will scare me into labour :lol:

Oh I'm a contrary moo at the moment, on one hand I want Daniel out and in my arms, on the other I am quite happy to wait until I go into hospital on the 1st April! :roll: :D

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