I think everyone should buy...

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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An egg boiling machine! It's amazing! You pop the eggs on a little tray, pop some water in, put the lid on and it sorta steams them and then when it's done it has an alarm so you kbow :yay: and the tray lifts out so you can run them under the tap! I love it!
It does seem a bit of a cop out, but I'm so bad at boiling eggs you wouldn't believe! And it means I can get them prefer for the girls! Have got a little supply of hardboiled eggs in the fridge now :lol:
:lol: There will be eggs coming out of your ears soon x
I have two chickens they are brilliant! They have free roam of the garden during the day and get put away at night.

They take themselves to bed and keep their coop fairly clean!

The eggs are amazing and we get 2 eggs a day (between them). I'll post a picture shortly!
Me and chicken


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The cheeky ladies climbing furniture!


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my parents keep chickens, Im thinking of taking 2 off their hands at some point :)
I'd LOVE chickens!!

MMG&I - does it only do hard boiled? can you do dippy eggs????
Is that the thing that was on Dragons Den ages ago? That he couldn't get to work?! I love the sound of it though!

I'd love some chickens too... we have so many foxes around here though :(
I'm not sure about dragons den, but my parents have had one as long as I can remember so I'm assuming it wouldn't have been on there!

You get a little water pot thing with a pin in te end cos you need to prick them to atop them exploding and it's got 3 lots of markings, one for soft, medium And hard! They've got numbers on for how many eggs you're doing for the amount of water you need - you can do up to 7 at a time!
Actually the more i think about it the more ideal this machine sounds - being busy in the morning it would be great to put the eggs in and not have to set a timer or watch the clock. Hmm I think I might get one :) Oh's birthday on Friday so maybe this is the pressie for him *joke* :lol:
Is that the thing that was on Dragons Den ages ago? That he couldn't get to work?! I love the sound of it though!

I'd love some chickens too... we have so many foxes around here though :(

you get fox proof coops, has the wire all the way round, at the bottom too so foxes cant dig in. THen the big where they sleep is raised again. My parents live in the countyside right next to woods, Ive actually seen foxes in the daytime round there. only one of the chickens was had by a fox, and he was ill and the other chickens wouldnt let him in the coop at night so he ran away :(
whats it called? I might get it for a wedding anniversary present for OH!
It's from Lakeland "stainless steel egg boiler" it's amazing! Means you can potter around and not worry Bout forgetting them!

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