I still have no heating


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Can you believe it??

I've had about 15 breakdowns this week of crying over various things. The heating been a main one.

My house is bloody freezing. I have no hot water to get a bath. We've had to send clothes away to be washed and I've had to go to my folks to get baths.

It was meant to get fixed yesterday sibi was all happy and started getting my washing done etc only to be told the stupid thing needed some other part to fix it.

Devastated I was.

How do you cope with an 8 day old baby and a trauma to your gooch with no heating? You don't!

Oh dear :( big hugs. I can only partially understand as my washing machine broke and we ran out of oil on the same day when l/o was 5 weeks old. So you must be having a total mare :( x
Gosh hope your ok and coping! Can u not stay at your mums for a few days?

I could stay at my mums but it would be just as much of a hassle with sleeping a d stuff so I haven't bothered.

Fx only 1 more day of it anyways
If it's more than that id stay at your mums. Big hugs to the both of you!

Sending you and Tilly big warm hugs from me and pip xxxx
Really hope you can get things fixed soon... Must be so horrible for you... *hugs*

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