I Still Dont Understand :-S


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Over xmas we have been really trying hard at making a baby. im on my pre-conception vitamins and eating as healthy as poss- no alcohol, peanuts, coffee... and i got my AF this month 15days late. We was convinced i was preg as my eczema flared up the first since i dont know when! and i had really dark rings develop around my nipples. i started AF on the 19th Jan. now its turned to a brown discharge already.. im too confused!
as my AF arrived, we was devistated but now were exited to start all over again this month but im just wondering what on earth is going on !! please help xx
How long have you been trying? We you on the pill before starting to try?

My OH and I have been trying for 9 months and doing everything right, eating the right foods, cutting out the bad stuff, having sex at the right time, I guess we will just have to be patient. It can take a long time to conceive even if there arent any problems. Do you know when you ovulated for definite?
I think i Ovd we BDd every night expt one week when OH tore me :oops: Lol. and no, i am allergic to most birth control i cant take anything with artificial hormones in esp not oestrogen.. so i used the cap or condom before now. :think: i bled for 3 days early on pregnant with my daughter. i just wondered why i still have the dark rings around my nipples ?? is there any other things it could possibly be? :wall:
Ouch, that sounds painful.
I'm not really sure, did you take a hpt?
Maybe it's just a wacky cycle?
Id definitely do a test then if they are similar symptoms to when you were pregnant before. :)
you really think its possibe still? i dont want to waste another test, then again, i have a pack of 50 HPTs and 50 OPKs coming in the post in 4days off ebay :lol: AF has totaly stopped today! its just a little brown discharge.. how strange. i dont want to dissapoint myself again though. i typed into google brown rings around nipples, and all the results came back as pregnancy symptoms, baby world, parents chat... and so on. no other reasons :think: oh i dont know!! :wall:

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