I saw a heartbeat today


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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and for some reason my mind has now decided that the risk is over with this one. I've always felt like this one will result in a baby but am sort of wary now. I am tempted to tell the world, start buying baby clothes etc. It just feels like that's it, we're definitely having a baby. And then the other side of me is now terrified that this will just be an even bigger fall :?
Congratulations!! Thats great news :hug: Maybe just tell your close relatives and friends for now and save the big announcement for 12 weeks, thats what I did as that way you can show your 12 week scan picture when you tell them as its more exciting then seeing the little person at the same time as hearing the news! Plus it gives you another announcement to look forward to.xxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: You've got a heartbeat!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

buddabun said:
And then the other side of me is now terrified that this will just be an even bigger fall :?

I suppose we can never predict what is definitely going to happen so I think it is great that you're breathing a bit easier with this one. If something did happen :( the fall would be there anyway so I think you should enjoy each day as it comes. Every day you are a step closer and your statisitics just get better. :pray: Right now you've seen that you've got a little bub there with a heartbeat and it is yours and it is fine!! :cheer: How amazing is that?? :D All so much easier said than done I know. I am going to be pertified when I am pregnant again. But, I did love my first pregnancy and being pregnant even if it didn't last as long it could have.

All the best!!! Having had a recent mc, it is so lovely to watch the progress of others who have been through the same thing. Fingers crossed for you!! :hug:
congrats!!!!!!!!!! im so happy for u!!! what a relief hey. once a heartbeat is established the risks go down i think, cngrats hun!
I do just need to snap out of it don't I?

When I got this BFP I thought to myself "I am going to enjoy this pregnancy however long it lasts" and recently I have been slipping back into worrying.

If it ends, it ends and worrying is going to make it no better so I suppose I just have to be happy :lol:

But I can't silence that 'niggling doubt' voice in the back of my head and it really does take hold sometimes.

Stupid brain!
Aww hun,congratulations!!! I didn't know you were pregnant again!!!!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww so pleased for u buddabun :hug:

the niggling doubt is normal. there is SO a difference between niggling doubt and just knowing something's wrong.

with my second pregnancy i didnt have a niggling doubt but i just knew it wasnt gonna happen kind of. i just couldnt see it ending with a baby :(

with my first, however, altho i was constantly worried and full of niggling doubts, i COULD see the pregnancy ending with a healthy baby, and it did! this time, too i feel the same- i still have the worries and niggling doubts tho like you do.

i think intuition has a lot to answer for! thats a good thing for us, coz we have a feeling that these LO's are sticking around :) :hug:

and for you- statistically, once a heartbeat has been found, chances of m/c drop dramatically.

try to just ride with the worries, theyre not gonna go away. the worry is just maternal love kicking in already! worries do not stop by any means once the baby's born believe me they get worse if anything! we wouldnt be good mums if we weren't worried n didnt give a shite tho would we :) :hug: x
'mum' sounds so alien to me :lol:

I must admit though, even tho buddabean is half a cm(centimetre NOT cervical mucus :lol:) long (probably more now) I just fell in love with that itty bitty blob when I saw him/her.

It sounds ridiculous but I am already sitting having quiet time, hands on belly just wondering what sex it will be, what it'll look like, how it'll take to the cats etc etc. (I'm welling up just thinking about it, stupid hormones :lol:). I just love this tiny baby SO much already that I can't see it ending in anything other than a gorgeous bundle of joy (and poo).

TBH I have been thinking it through with my science hat on and can't see how a human body would 'know' if an embryo wasn't viable but, like you said trix, the second time I was just wondering "how long will this one last" where as this one I was over the moon and so excited, thinking about an actual baby... I hope intuition means something :pray:

Thanks so much ladies. I have just been driving myself mad here worrying. Even at 12w the 'danger' isn't gone, reading people's stories of 2nd and 3rd trimester losses and even stillbirths not only breaks my heart it scares the bejeesus out of me. But I suppose I can't go through life panicking over 'what if's...

If this morning sickness would lift though I would be most grateful. I feel decidedly GREEN
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Congrats on hearing a heartbeat - great news :cheer: :cheer:

Easier said than done, but try to take each day as it comes and you'll be in 2nd tri before you know it! :hug: :hug:
buddabun said:
'mum' sounds so alien to me :lol:

I must admit though, even tho buddabean is half a cm(centimetre NOT cervical mucus :lol:) long (probably more now) I just fell in love with that itty bitty blob when I saw him/her.

It sounds ridiculous but I am already sitting having quiet time, hands on belly just wondering what sex it will be, what it'll look like, how it'll take to the cats etc etc. (I'm welling up just thinking about it, stupid hormones :lol:). I just love this tiny baby SO much already that I can't see it ending in anything other than a gorgeous bundle of joy (and poo).

TBH I have been thinking it through with my science hat on and can't see how a human body would 'know' if an embryo wasn't viable but, like you said trix, the second time I was just wondering "how long will this one last" where as this one I was over the moon and so excited, thinking about an actual baby... I hope intuition means something :pray:

Thanks so much ladies. I have just been driving myself mad here worrying. Even at 12w the 'danger' isn't gone, reading people's stories of 2nd and 3rd trimester losses and even stillbirths not only breaks my heart it scares the bejeesus out of me. But I suppose I can't go through life panicking over 'what if's...

If this morning sickness would lift though I would be most grateful. I feel decidedly GREEN

I've been having quiet time too, just need to feel close. I'm still full of the fears of what ifs and stuff.
And now i've completely forgotten what i was going to say! *gets coat* lol.
Jeez Diamond, it's almost like your brain's been addled by hormones or something :roll: :lol:

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