i really want a bump :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2012
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I am 14 + 4 and still don't have a bump :(
should i be worried?
Nobody can tell i am pregnant.
I just want a bump that i can rest my hands on and feel :(
Just being silly im sure.
No you shouldn't be worried my bump has only just started showing in last week or two. x
Just having one of those days where i worry about nothing!
Hey hun, don't worry my bump has literally just popped and I'm 24 weeks! The little man was measuring fine so all was well I just have a long body so it took a while to get a bump. You'll have one soon enough :) xxx
Don't worry, with my first baby I didn't start to get my bump till 20 weeks , I agree it's a shame no one can tell and oggle at it, but it will mean you wshould have a smaller bump, and much better for you after baby comes out, yourll be back in shape in no time
Dont worry hun, I'm sure you're going to be one of the lucky ones with a beautifully neat bump and are going to 'ping' back into shape after having your LO.
Don't worry hun I didn't start showing until 21 weeks and I was really worried. Now I'm so big, I wonder why I wanted a massive bump so much lol make the most of these days, I am just really uncomfortable and have lots of stretch marks lol xx
Don't worry hun, I am only just getting a bump and still my dad just keeps saying I look like I have eaten too much!! Yesterday it was bigger than it is today so it fluctuates in size too lol x
I'd love a nice bump too :(. Like Karate Kid's dad would say, just looks like I've eaten too much! Lol! But what's weirder is that I can see baba moving in my tum now as well. So it just looks like my tummy has a mind of its own!

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Haha ah thank you ladies.
I do have a small one but it doesnt stick out, just looks like i am bloated!
Everyone at work asks "grown anymore?" and my answer is alway not yet!
One morning i will wake up and will not be able to see my feet!
:) x
It wont be long and you will start seeing the difference! i saw one every week!
I know it's exciting waiting for bump to appear, but just enjoy being able to see what colour knickers you've got on! And I can not shave 'down there' at all, I just can't see past the bump, whichever way I bend, so there are definitely perks to not showing early! x
I'm kind of the opposite! I feel so big now and uncomfortable and I'm getting worried about just how big I'm going to get. I haven't started to feel them yet, maybe a pop or two or could be wind lol. If I'm this uncomfortable now, just how bad will it be as I grow? :shock:
It took me til about 25 weeks to get a bump and the it grew huuuuge! You'll get there x
I didnt show at all until a couple of weeks ago and now I am suddenly growing quickly! It happens overnight!
i woke up this morning and thought i will try on my maternity top as its lovely but when i got it, it didn't fit as i had no bump...

But now it actually fits! I have a bump! Yipppeeeeeeee, and it shows!
:D xx
Im jealous! :(

Im getting too big for my work uniform, but not big enough to wear my maternity dresses :'(

Hope I get bigger soon!

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