I need to know the EXACT DATE!


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Your Due Date
Your estimated due date is Wednesday, May 28, 2008.
You are 42 days, or 6 weeks and 0 days along.
There are 238 days, or 34 weeks and 0 days left in your pregnancy.

Im a bit slow when it comes to period dates so can you tell me, do i go on the last day my period stopped or the day my period started?
I started on the 22 august and finished on the 26th.

Thanks. :D
It is from the first day of your period, but don't worry I don't get it either because that would make mine due on the 17th of April, but Midwife said no it was the 19th. She did it with my last on too! *shrugs* the internet as loads that work it out for you.
bobtheunfortunateone said:
It is from the first day of your period, but don't worry I don't get it either because that would make mine due on the 17th of April, but Midwife said no it was the 19th. She did it with my last on too! *shrugs* the internet as loads that work it out for you.

I'm due 17th April too! My MW also changed her mind on dates a little bit :? Oh well I have a scan a week today so will know for sure then I guess :dance:
omg!! but sorry urchin!! how the hell can u be 12 weeks alreadY!!!! bloody hell woman.. its only like yesterday u got ur BFP!!! yippy!! hurry up n get involved in tri2 shananigans!! teehee
Urchin, there is not much age difference between our boys either. (Born 31st Dec 05) Must be a good time to have another!

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