i need some urgent help


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Hi all,

dont get to look on here very often any more but i need some help and advice....

Amber just is not sleeping at night, started over 2 weeks ago when she started getting a cold and cough so we thought it was just that waking her up. But its continued, she wont go to bed anymore she will eventually go down about 9.30pm and then like last night awake by 12.30 screaminga dn crying. there is nothing i can do apart from picking her up to make her stop...i really dont want to be comforting her cos she knows now i will come running and she will get her own way.

But i am slowly loosing my marbles, she goes to nursery during the day and is fine, has a couple of naps but as soon as she starts getting tired and i try putting her to bed the tears start.

I can handle the crying and her being upset its the lack of sleep at the moment its killing me, i have a pretty demanding job emotionally and i feel drained.

I did bring her cot back into our room last night to see if us being in the same room helped as a comfort but it made no difference so its going back today. My mum has suggested taking her wardrobe out of her room, because its a small room maybe its too big and it has scared her? But she has been in her room now since january.....

oh please help me!!

Amy xxx
Has she got more teeth coming? My LO is does this too - goes to bed at approx 8pm then wakes up 3 or 4 hours later and won't settle without a bottle. She has another tooth coming and it is really unsettling her. She cried from 10.30 til midnight the other night and didn't want holding or comforting etc.

She used to only wake once until she was about 4-5 months and then she got a cold and woke up loads in the night. From then on she has never got a real sleep pattern back. Your story sounds similar. After two teeth came through she settled down a bit.

Sending these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Jack is the same at mo, from 9 weeks he slept through the night from 7:30pm he would be in his cot and would go to sleep himself.

Past few weeks he has been poorly with a cough and his top teeth coming through. He's now a nightmare to get to bed. Screams as soon as we leave room and on occasions has woken during the night again.

Last night he didn't go down until 9:45!!! Anyway all we are doing is starting the whole bedtime routine again and sticking to the bed bottle bath and just persevering with it and hopefully he'll come out of it.

I read somewhere that at around 8-9 months is when they start developing separation anxiety and missing us which can cause them to be harder to settle and to wake in the night so if its not her teeth maybe it's that? :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww hun, i am sorry you are going thru this, especially when you are working. I am sorry i cannot really offer any advice but hope it gets better soon :hug: :hug:

P.s how are you finding working with a LO? i am a bit scared, going back in July
Isaac was like this after his cold, teething and hospital experience all within the same week, and the ONLY thing I've found that's helped is taking the side off the cot and having him pushed up to our bed.

On a night I go lay with him on our bed until he falls asleep, then move him into his cot, and although he sometimes wakes, he was having nightmares which appear to have stopped now, he just wants a cuddle when he does, then he's gone back to sleep again, sometimes he needs a minute, sometimes longer.

It's helped him go to bed at his usual time, and kept him settled through the night so he;s not tired and grumpy through the day, and neither am I. Other than that I don't know what to suggest from experience.

Really hope it all settles down again for you all soon, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks all for your replies....

Still no better to be honest, she is in her cot now tired to death but balling her eyes out. I know she is tired, but she is all fed, watered, bathed and nappies changed so there is nothing more that she needs. I am just going to have to be strong like i had to when she i was trying to put her in a routine, so she knows its bed time.

I have given some calpol aswell cos of her teethy pegs.

If i went up now and lay on the bed she would go to sleep....i will give her 10 mins...

nikkif - working with amber is difficult not going to lie but i am in an awkward situation with OH - not working and still registered disabled so although he tries his best i am still having to sort everything out. I am knakered by this time of night could literally go to sleep here at puter....lol

But you will be fine, i am enjoying some time to myself at work and having adult conversations lol. Ambers nursery is good aswell she has settled in really really well. Hope it all goes well xxxx

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