I need some support


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Hello ladies. Hope your all feeling well?

I could just really do with a big cuddle, I've had a really crap day. This last two days, my sickness has eased off and my boobs have stopped hurting. I'm convinced this isn't going to turn out well as good things don't happen to me. I had a scan last week and we saw the heartbeat but since then I have had a really bad UTI which left me soooooo poorly and on antibiotics and paracetamol, it was so bad I spent 5 hours in the bath as it was the only thing that helped the pain, I had shivers and banging headaches, and keep thinking how much pain I was in, how could my little vulnerable bean survive all that. Then I worried that spending the time in a hot bath would do some damage even though it was fairly shallow. Tonight I just came home and cried my eyes out as I just don't feel pregnant anymore. I have three weeks and four days till my dating scan and have no idea how I'm going to get through that time. And if the worst does happen, I seriously worry about my mental state, I just don't think I could handle it. My husband has been fantastic, but nothing can convince me everythings going to be ok. Please tell me someone else is feeling the same or can offer any comfort. I'm going out of my mind. Sorry for the long depressing post, I just need to hear from somebody else x x x
Have a ((((hug))))). I dont really know what to suggest but I too sometimes think this is going to be taken away from me and how the hell i would cope. It may just be that you are run down after the uti, Im damn sure the bean will be ok as its so protected in its little bubble for good reason. I would go and chat it through with your doc or midwife im sure they would help x
Oh no Toni, I'm so sorry you are having a horrible day :-( Firstly :hugs:
Can you ring the EMU and say you have been really suffering and you are really worried so could they bring you in for a scan? I think that might be the only way to put your mind at risk if you are very worried.
Do you really think there might be something wrong or are you just having a bad day and your hormones are a bit haywire? I don't know too much of what to expect at this stage but I have read that UTI's are v. common, as is taking anti-biotics and paracetamol. Maybe your body has taken a battering and combined with your body going through the normal preggo changes too, you are just feeling overwhelmed?
Can you get an early night and see how you feel in the morning? If you can, just try to take some deep breaths and get your head straight x
I convinced myself I wasn't pregnant the other week as didn't have symptoms anymore, went to see doc to ask for her to listen for heartbeat but she couldn't, she told me to see midwife for it, so I waited days for that, still not feeling pregnant, then saw midwife and she said she couldn't do it either and I just cried my eyes out until she did it for me, and all was totally fine so I looked like a reet wally!

I think we all, at times, will convince ourselves there's something wrong when we're just been worriers, and since you've been feeling poorly and down anyway, it's no wonder you're not feeling as positive as you normally would be. Have a hug ((HUG)) and know what in a few days you'll see it wiggling all over and you'll be over the moon :)
Thank you ladies. And Jenny, your probably right, a mix of hormones, tiredness and just being unwell. I've had no bleeding or major cramps, just the lack of symptoms now and the not feeling pregnant. I will have a good long sleep and see what tomorrow brings. I can't change what's going to happen so I'll have to just pull myself together and try and think positive. I don't want to be miserable and worried throughout my pregnancy, I want to enjoy it. So I will try from now on. Thank you for your listening ears x x x
:) hope you're feeling better. I know it's easier said than done but relaxing really is the best thing for you and your baby. You'd be surprised what they can survive through! Hope your uti has cleared up! You'll be ok honey, I had all this too at the beginning and here I am at 33 and a half weeks! Rest up an catch up on some sleep. I was an emotional wreck in tri 1, it's all normal! X
Awww poor you, hope you are feeling better emotionally and physically soon. The thing with miscarriage is it's not because of something wrong with you, or something you've done - it's just that the little bean had something wrong with it in the first place and couldn't stick. So try not to worry.....in pre abortion days young girls used to sit in scalding hot baths and throw themselves down the stairs in bids to 'lose' the baby - but if it wanted to stick it stuck! I'm sure you'll be fine hun - symptoms ease on and off all the time xxx
Aww Toni I am so sorry to hear what an upsetting day you have had :hugs:
I know I am not as far along as you but I have had an awful day too and this evening have been getting 'period type' cramps and was sure when I went to the toilet I would be bleeding... I wasnt this time but I am sure this little seedling is not going to stick, i am feeling extremely negative after the awful appointment yesterday and have even decided not to tell people until after our scan.
I keep thinking, 'if this little baby doesnt want to be born, I wish it would leave now because I am falling more and more in love with it, if I loose it later down the line it is going to destroy me EVEN more and I dont know how the hell I would cope with that'
You are not alone hun, if you need to talk, pm me :)
I think all of us has our worries; for me it's the fact i'm applying for a new job & then worried about not getting it & not having enough money or if I do get it, settling in & showing I can do a good job before announcing Bub! Rachael Hun, as much as it is hard you will need to find the strength to get through this pregnancy, take it one day at a time if you have to but please try not to catastrophise. Can u talk to hubby/Mum about how you're feeling?
Toni, so glad you seem better, everything looks brighter in the morning x

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