i need some help - mummys with toddlers or older kids plz


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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well Yest Braydon did his first ever wee in the potty, :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: omg did i cry lol and jump around the room he was so proud of himself,
my 1st question is how do i go about training him now, yest wen he did it he was naked, then after just wanted pants on, so if were at home shall i just leave pants on him so he can go if he wants? or should i encourage him to wear clothes ???
also yest was the first time he went to sleep at nite without his bottle of milk, had a beaker with water in, so my other question is, as he wont have milk in his beaker, how should i get him to have milk should i give him his milk in his bottle before bed then still get him to sleep on beaker ?? or just leave it, he wont have yougarts
gosh so confusing thought it got easier as they got older lol
will he take milk from the beaker?

In terms of toilet training I'd be inclined to let him wander round in just a top and pants - and when you go out use easy up nappy pants :D

and well done braydon :dance: :dance: :dance:
Hannah still has her morning milk in a bottle she doesnt have any at night and as soon as she used the potty for the first time i put her straight in knickers day and night and just encouraged her to use the potty/toilet as often as possible and touch wood in 8 months she has only had one accident :hug:
so still give him his milk in bottle coz he wont take it from beaker keeps insisting he should have water from it, was just worried bout how much milk he would have

and he is wondering round in top and pants today thats ok ?
yes thats fine sarah and Hannah id still having sma progress and she has 7oz in a morning some drank and some on her cerial
thanks for ur help girls im so happy today

he has so far done 3 wee wees on his potty :D:D
Aimees joining Braydon as she started potty training yesterday. As said above just let him go naked for a few days. He just needs to get to know the feeling a bit better before you put his pant on but it shouldn't take too long.

Aimee hasn't had a bottle for a while and has her juice and milk out of a beaker but I wouldn't worry about it if he still likes his bedtime milk in a bottle. :)
he is getting there with realising wen his doin a wee already :shock:
earlier he started realised wot he was doing then stopped himself sat on the potty and finished :cheer:
Yay well done! I'm potty training my son who is exactly the same age at the moment so I know how hard it can be! I find that I just let him run around in big boy pants at home. The only time I put a nappy on him is when he goes to bed. I tried putting a nappy on him to go out but it gave him the wrong message. I find taking a potty out with me is much easier than trying to force him to use unfamiliar toilets. Good luck with it all!
hey there huni :D

dont post that often on ere just a ghost lol but had to congratulate you and ur lil man :D

as for the questions i would leave him in top n pants even if u can leave hime without anything on i did that with my oliver n we started a sticker chart :D worked really well hes only 2 yrs 4 months old n has been potty trained during the day now for about a month :D

as of the milk question in tescos they do a beacker that looks like a bottle but its great doesnt drip or anything if that dont work maybe try a cup as hes may like that :D

but well done wee man :D
awww well done braydon :clap: :clap: :clap: whos a clever one then :D xxxxxxxxx
I know weve already talked but thats great hun so proud of him what a big boy!!
Kiara was always naked if we were just at home for the first bit then i bought underwear and she wore that no with no pants until she got the hang of that and now shes fully dressed and no accidents :)
it can be a long process but do what you think will be easy for Bray to do .
good luck hun :D

dont have advice for the beaker sorry Kiaras not drank out of one for months but even when she used to she never had it before bed really . but sounds like hes doing brilliant :)

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