I need help and advice .... pleeease!

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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I am freaking out about how little I have ready for when LO arrives and I keep re-reading all my magazines and am soooo confused about what to buy.. what I really need and what is best / practical etc..

If any of you experienced mums can help i will be sooooo grateful!!

Sterilisers.. what do you recommend??
Bottles.. how many and which should I get?
Breast pump.. hand or electric? Any preferred brands?
What kind of formula if I cannot breastfeed or she doesn't take well?
Summer babies.. if born in August.. what bed linen do I need for her... just sheets or a cover too? And are long sleeved sleepsuits still OK even in this heat for night time?

Sorry for all the questions.. will probably think of others later.. getting myself into a tizzy worrying about all this!

Thanks for any help / advice xxxx
Hi Anna Marie hope things are going ok and that you are relaxing now you are off work!!

I am breast feeding so can't help you with formula etc. I am putting Jacob in the short sleeve vests at night time now the weather is warmer with a cotton sheet over him, he is a little wriggler and kicks around so more often than not his sheet is kicked off him so am also placing a thicker cotton sheet over the end of his moses basket so that if he kicks the other sheet off his legs and feet are still covered - hope that makes sense?! :?

Sterilisers.. what do you recommend??
Bottles.. how many and which should I get?
Breast pump.. hand or electric? Any preferred brands?
What kind of formula if I cannot breastfeed or she doesn't take well?
Summer babies.. if born in August.. what bed linen do I need for her... just sheets or a cover too? And are long sleeved sleepsuits still OK even in this heat for night time?

I have a microwave steam steriliser, definately recommend.

It came with 4 bottles but I bought Nuby teats.

Personally I think an electric breast pump will save you time and hassle, I have the Mini Medula from Boots which cost £43.

Formula - I'd worry about that if the time arrives. Personally I'd find that I'd be too tempted to just give in and give formula when those early days were tough. If things get really bad then if you have a 24 hour supermarket near you try there (aptimil is supposed to be the closest to breastmilk (think it's because of the consistency, obviously not cos of the goodness!!) and I used that for teeny top ups when Ella was a few weeks old, definately don't recommend doing that as it then took longer for my milk supply to settle so in the end caused more trouble than good!). Personally I didn't even think about buying any in beforehand :)

Bedding - well Ella has a sheet over her mattress and goes to bed in her grobag. You can get 0.5 tog ones for when the weather is really hot :) She doesn't sleep as well if she isn't in one, they are fantastic. www.bumpto3.com do a huge range :)
Hi hun - dauinting isnt it? there is almost too much choice and its all very confusing!

i have a mircowave sterilers (avent one) and i use avent bottles, you get a little bootle and a big bottle with the steriliser and i'd leave it at that. that was all i need to start with with breast feeding and expressing.

i used an avent hand pump (isis i think its called) and got on great with it.
like kina said i wouldnt worry to much about getting formula in but i would recmmend getting one of the made up cartons for an emergency. my dh was worried i might get ill and wouldnt be able to feed and he'd need somthing fast. and i agree with Kina - aptimal is supposed to be closest to breast milk and we use this now i am no longer feeding.

i personally use growbags for alex and they have a guide on them to say what clothes to use in what temperatures. however i cant really advise we sheets etc as my babe was born in the middle of winter!

i know it seems very confusing right now but it will settle down once baby arrives. remember youcan always order things over the net to be delivered next day in a crisis or send out friends and family to get things.

take care

Tommee tippee sterilisers are half price in boots at the moment hun i got a steam one with £18 pounds worth of accessories for £20 :dance: ,they also do the microwave one half price for £10 :D xx
Well I think most things have been covered, one thing I would suggect though, is woth the breast pump, not everyone gets on with them, I know I didnt, so you should find that Boots will hire electric ones, that way you can try one out before shelling out £40-£50.
i use the avent electric stem 1, i found its fine, gets a bit grubby tho and does need cleaned alot!! i like most people said got bottles with my steriliser so just made do with them cos i breastfed, i wouldnt buy a breast pump until u were totally sure u were breast feeding!!! just incase u dont need it !! :D
I agree about the breast pump. If possible you shouldn't really be expressing in the first six weeks to allow your body to settle but if you do want to do so before then you can hire them, your HV should be able to help with this.
i'm butting in here - even though i'm not a mum yet...

i got avent bottles as the neck is bigger.. i was told from friends and family that helps when getting your formula into the bottle without mess...

I'm going straight to bottle - i've bought one tin of SMA gold and a few little ready made cartons... no point buying too much formula in case the baby doesn't take to that brand...

i was a bit worried too about blankets and bedding with this hot weather... i read that a baby should basically have one more layer than you'd wear for bed...

Thanks everso girls.. really helpful and I am feeling a bit calmer about it all today having read all your responses and I spent all day yesterday on the internet and browsing catalogues etc!

Its scary how you can sort of make your mind up about a product and then read a review or ten and completely change your mind again.. thats what freaks me.. need to be more decisive!!

I suppose I just want to be prepared so that I don't have to send OH out a zillion times straight after birth.. if I end up having a C-section as it looks at the moment I will need him at home as much as possible to help me out with normal baby and daily routine stuff..

Thank goodness for internet shopping!! xx
Anna Marie said:
I am freaking out about how little I have ready for when LO arrives and I keep re-reading all my magazines and am soooo confused about what to buy.. what I really need and what is best / practical etc..

If any of you experienced mums can help i will be sooooo grateful!!

Sterilisers.. what do you recommend??
Bottles.. how many and which should I get?
Breast pump.. hand or electric? Any preferred brands?
What kind of formula if I cannot breastfeed or she doesn't take well?
Summer babies.. if born in August.. what bed linen do I need for her... just sheets or a cover too? And are long sleeved sleepsuits still OK even in this heat for night time?

Sorry for all the questions.. will probably think of others later.. getting myself into a tizzy worrying about all this!

Thanks for any help / advice xxxx

I use a cold water steriliser as your bottles dummies etc.. can stay in for upto 24 hours can just take them out as you need them, Mines a mothercare one but the bottles are rubbish as the marks came off them, i have heard good things about Avent bottle9 ( need about 6-8 bottles)

Never used a breast pump

I used SMA Gold for both mine

Deffinatley get a bedroom thermometer At the minute i put jack down in either just a vest/ shorts with a sheet doubled over or if little cooler a sleepsuit no vest.

i hope this helps, don't worry you will soon get to grips with it and we are always here for you
I know i havnt got a baby yet but here some ideas

Id say for summer babies a tog 1.5 dream pod (sleep bag) and short sleeved sleep suits, (depends on how hot your house gets too as mine gets really hot in summer)

I have bought dr browns bottles they reduce colic and from what ive seen most babies take to them quite well and also some avent ones

I have a avent isis electric steriliser and an avent breast pump (manual) got them both in a new baby pack for £50 at babies r us summer sale with extras

Working in the nursery i think the most popular formulas are SMA and Aptamil

cas xx

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