I need an extra set of eyes please


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I took a test a few weeks ago and this is it.

Then i took this one last night

and I am really confused cause at first there wasn't a line now it seems that there is a line. Maybe it is a false line or what ever. My last period was around June 20th. Someone please help me. I am confused as ever. MY OH says he thinks it is a glitch.


Thanks for your swift replies.
it looks like 2 lines to me!!!

i'd do another one just to be sure :pray:
they both look positive to me. The second is very strong.
So they are different tests taken different times yeah? Then it's positive! :D
ahhhh wait a minute. One line means negative i just looked back!

Well then i would say they are both negatives. Its so confusing :wall:

I would go to the doctors or a chemist with a sample and get a test done there. Then you'll be 100% sure :D
There is definitely a second line on Test 2, its faint but its definitely there. I think i read on another post in the forum that you can get false negatives but not false positives (anyone feel free to correct me if i've stated that wrong?!) so i would say to do another test in a couple of days (if your nerves/excitement can last that long!) as maybe you will get a stronger line to make it more definite.

Congrats though it certainly looks good!
yes thats true. you can't get false positives.
I agree though that another test should be done in a few days :D
Yes definately 2 lines there hun but id test again just to make sure.
I was thinking the same thing. i am going to test again in a few days and see if a darker line comes up. I am so used to the line not being there that once i dropped the urine on the test and the control line came up but there was not other line i set aside. when i came back a few minutes later that light line was there. so i don't want to get my hopes up when it is probably just an evap line. I wanted to show you the test from a few weeks ago too to show you that they are the same brand of test and the other one doesn't and didn't have an evap line so maybe it is positive. We will see ina few days. i will keep you posted.

HI and congrats
That is not an evap line as it is pink.Evap's are grey in colour or clear (but you can see them)
congrats your pregnant

I would say you are 7 weeks then as i bled 21st june
well done bex :hug:
I read that evap lines were gray in colour also and that is what made me think maybe i am prego. I hope so i want another one so bad. I will test again in a few days. Man how exciting i can't wait.

ooo congrats hunny!!! defo a postiive!

do another test in a day or so, to confirm, but i think mini me is goign to be making an appearance in 9 months ;)
Thank you girls for your encouragement. I can only hope that htis one looks like me since Geoliana looks just like her daddy. And Aidan looks like his daddy. I just want one to look like me. LOl I will let ya'll know how i get on. Thanks.
looks like a positive to me hun congrats xxx
This might be a little graphic but i needed some advice. I started bleeding yesterday. I still havn't had to wear a sanitary napkin yet but when igo to the bathroom at first it was a dark brownish color and twice today it was a dark reddish color now it is back to being a dark brownish color have any of you had this happen. I havn't re-tested yet and probably won't until monday. but i was concerned with the bleeding. not really having any cramping just loose bowels. Please let me know what youthink.
well i think you should take it easy and then do another test on monday. :)
Awww good luck hun i hope all is ok i will have my finger crossed. :D xxx

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