I need a bit of a moan!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I'm bloody sick of people having ago at my parenting style. Its annoying the life out of me now.
I honestly dont understand why people feel the need to give me unsolicited advice on how to bring up my daughter which normally consists of telling me what im doing wrong.
I'm used to my mother disapproving along with most of the rest of my family but they are in a whole other country so who cares what they think. Now im getting it here in Hungary from friends and its getting on my nerves.

Baby wearing is just a total foreign concept to some people it seems. My slings etc make me a freak apparently. A woman at playgroup yesterday told me that i was stunting Thea by carrying her everywhere, yeah stunting my daughters development, shes only been able to sit unaided since three months, for gos sake she crawls now but im messing with her development milestones apparently! Another woman asked me why i used those silly sling things (I had Thea in a gorgeous silk pouch sling) I should have bought a Bjorn apparently if i really wanted to carry Thea. I let rip on her and told her that bjorn's are badly designed mainstream crap that give women back ache before their baby is 6 months old and hold the baby in the worst possible way. How would she like to dangle from her crotch? That shut her up.

Cloth nappies - waste of time and energy just buy pampers. Seriously what is wrong with these women! How hard is to understand the benefits of cloth even if you dont want to use them yourself!

Baby signing is stupid too according to these people. They dont understand the need for it, fine dont understand but dont slate what you know nothing about. I'll just sit here feeling smug while your kid screams her head off for milk while my daughter just looks at me signing for milk while giggling. Yeah your so much better off than me.

Oh baby led weaning that's just has them flabbergasted! What do you mean you dont feed your baby processed mush from a jar! She feed herself, ohhh that cant be good for her. Seriously if you aren't willing to listen to the reasons behind it then just keep your gob shut. I'm willing to explain my parenting style to anyone who genuinely wants to know about it but these women just think its wrong and that it. Its different so im a hippy loony.

I shouldn't let it bother me i know but im just so mad that they cant see past their own beliefs to give someone else's a chance. Or even just keep their ignorant mouths shut!

I guess if my beautiful, independent, calm, daughter with her beaming smile that barely ever slips from her face doesn't show them that what we do suits us then nothing is going to change their minds.

There i feel better now.
aww hun! just one look at thea and you can see everything you are doing is right for you and your daughter.


sod them all! if they arn't open to new ideas then bugger them. :D
awww hun im sorry they are getting you down but they have NO right to tell you how to bring up Thea. you are a wonderful mummy and are doing a brilliant job hun - dont let these people pull you down, DONT listen to them, you hear me girl?? :D

you know where i am babes if you wanna talk :hug: :hug: :hug:

Please don't let them get to you honey - I think that the way you are bringing up your daughter is fantastic and an inspiration and I am certainly looking for tips for my new arrival.

I did succumb to the hype and buy a Baby Bjorn though :oops:


Valentine xxx
ow hun please dont let them get you down you do whats right for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Gosh......I'm sorry people are being like this to you. I think you're an inspiration, its exactly how I wanna bring L up, being confident & able & close to her parents, how can you be wrong for bringing Thea up to be like that?

Stuff 'em :shakehead:

there is nothing worse than a know it all..they generally know nothing and never will coz they won't learn.

Your daughter is the one who will beneift and thats the main thing
just ignore them hun
you are a great mum and Thea looks like a healthy content baby and thats all that matters.

i may not use slings or cloth nappies but i would never critise someone for using them. its personal choice and you do what you think is best for Thea
I echo what the other girls say Mel. You truly are a fab Mummy and Thea is just thriving. She is doing fantastically well and you should be so so proud. :hug:
Im amazed uve been criticised for this :shock: , just reading the things u do with Thea has wowed me!

I want to be like that with Scarlett, love the idea of signing...can i ask u what it is properly? Would love to try!
I don't know what baby led weaning is, would love to know though if you have time to explain. :D Signing I would love to learn too, I have heard of it but read or seen nothing about it, I think it's a brilliant idea. Also if I could manage to carry Jade without my back going at 6 months old then I'd be really pleased! Take no notice or what I would do being me is have a sarcastic t-shirt printed, like what you say in your siggy and see what they say to that when they see you in it! lmfao

I know someone who does bibs with your own wording on, they are embroidered as I bought one if you want to know. :D
Melanie - you are a great Mum - tell them to take their big noses out of your life and stick them up the butt along with the poker thats already up there!!

Claire - there is a Baby Lead Weaning link in the Feeding Section in under ones. I highly receomend it!!
SarahH said:
Melanie - you are a great Mum - tell them to take their big noses out of your life and stick them up the butt along with the poker thats already up there!!

Claire - there is a Baby Lead Weaning link in the Feeding Section in under ones. I highly recommend it!![/quote]

Thanks a lot Sarah, I will go have a look. :D
they probably feel threatened as there parenting skills could come under critisism id say would you like it if i critised u for being a buggy pushing bottle feeding mum, of course they wouldnt every mum wants to think they are doing there best and u definatley are so ignore them :hug:
I love your parenting style :hug: your daughter looks very happy and thats all that matters

Your style suits her :hug:
I personally think your parenting style is ace and I look forward to reading your posts!

I wear Logan in a sling as I am all into the attached parenting style and I have seen only positive things from it....

I want to do baby lead weaning!

I want to sign with Logan and we have bought a DVD to help us!

I think you are doing great.... :hug:

Its just people who are narrow minded and don't like new approaches to things that comment like this...you would hope that if they want to comment then they would listen to your repsonse and maybe learn something from you.
Hi Mel, that's crap that people are so rude. I can tell some of the mums in my mother group think the same but don't say anything but mostly they just think I'm a bit eccentric!! The danes are considered to be open minded but actually I don't find them like that at all!!

Over here all the babies are pushed in these big old fashioned prams until they are about 3 so I think that's wierd as Leorah is in a sling or her hauck i'coo, much more practical! Most people think her magic all nappies are cute and think that disposables are a rip off so that's not a problem but the BLW really seems to get to them!! Most of the mums seem to have a problem with the fact that Leorah sits and feeds herself (and very well I might add) while they are spoon feeding their much older babies or giving them tiny pieces of sandwich directly in their mouths! Their way of dealing with it is to completely ignore the fact that my much younger baby is good at something but my friend who works with babies 0-3 years say her skills are exceptional for her age. It's not like I brag about it either I just give her her food and let her get on with it while I eat. I feel bad for you tough having people making comments, that's just so rude, i would lose my temper :lol: :evil:

You just do what's best for you and Thea. How is Thea with other people? Leorah has a real bond to me and doesn't like some people on sight (funnily these are people I get a an uneasy vibe from too) so they do go on about how attached she is to me but who better for her to be attatched to than her mum who she can trust and feel safe with????

:moon: :moon: :moon: to those busy bodies :lol:
Mel iv only just seen this :cry:

BALSS to them you know what i sometimes feel so jealous over your parenting style as it is just so relaxed and natural, Thea is not only very beautiful but she is very content very forward and for them to say your stunting her development is just idiotic of them.

1.Baby carrying when you are out and about she can see more you are stimulating her visual development, your also carrying her close to your heart where a child loves to be, can anyone tell me theat having a baby sitting in a buggy is ANY different to baby wearing they arent chuffing walking crawling or standing up in a buggy now are they.

2.Disposable nappies, jesus christ not only do they look FANTASTIC they are so practical your saving money saving the environment and again they look so cute.

3.BLW yeah Im sure that this is completely ridiculous :roll: :roll: :roll: Thea is 6 months old and she feeds herself, as much as she wants and its proper food, you can sit down as a family and eat ... hmm yes and for those who previously said you were "stunting her development" i think this is them completely contradicting themselves. Yes her growth is so stunted that at 6 months old she can feed herself sit with her family and enjoy a meal ... RIDICULOUS people with small minds.

4.Baby Signing. This is something i dont know much about but as i understand its all about communicating with your baby to find out their needs! ok so spending time communicating with your child is daft is it. :rotfl: ok wo what the hell are they doing when they are sat there mouthing MAMMA to their kids (something i do alot) they are god dam communiucating dids it never occur to them that they are communicating in their language but your communicating with Thea in hers?

Mel you are without a doubt a fantastic mother you can see that from how bonny, happy and healthy Thea is so dont you dare pay any attention to their small mindedness, they are pathertic and jealous and personally i wish i had tried alot of the things like you do with thea, like the baby signing, and disposable nappies. :hug:
I think some of the problem comes from me being so much younger than most of these other mothers. Id say on average most of them are about ten years older than me. I suppose that makes what i do easy to dismiss as mental lol. I've decided not to let it bother me at all, they can sod off. I feel better for having moan about it :rotfl:

Katt, Thea is very forward with people, she is forever flirting with everyone we see but if she decides she doesnt like the look of them then they get a shout and then she just wont look at them again :lol: She had to go to daddys office so i could get my hair cut and random Hungarian people kept coming and taking her off round the factory to see this or that and she went happily with all them without even a backward glance at Richard :rotfl: He was most put out!

We went to TGI Fridays at the weekend and Thea was sat in one of the highchairs feeding herself tortillas and cucumber salsa. The waiters thought it was great and started bringing her bits of fruit and salad, they couldnt believe she was only 6 months old. Once again she happily had a cuddle from one of the girls as we were leaving.

She's happy, so im happy, bugger the rest of them.
Melanie said:
She's happy, so im happy, bugger the rest of them.

thats the spirit!! :D :D looking at The u could never fault ur parenting style melanie, stupid ppl :roll:

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