i know this has been done before


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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but i got Braydon up this morning, and he was absolutly drenched in pee pee, it went thro his nappy thro his vest through his winter PJ's and thro the sheet to the cot! he also did it the nite before but not quite as big missed the sheet just about, that nite he was in pampers active fit, last nite in papers baby dry (yeah he deffo wasnt dry) so i was just wondering wot u guys do at a nite or dont ur lil dumpling pee that much at nite, or is it work me getting reusable just for the nite, the poor lil monstor can not be wet like that again bless him
Hi sarah, my sister had this problem with jordyn hes now a yr and a bit.
she used to put pampers on him all the time and he would wet right through them even during the day!

she now has him on huggies and has never had a problem. She also said that pampers gave him nappy rash on his wee man too and with huggies its never came again.

For me i use pampers and i find huggies are very padded and they gave both Adele and Colby nappy rash. Hope u get something that helps soon

Jean & girls xxxx
I used to have that problem with jess although not as bad. I used to use a stores own in the day and Huggies through the night and they seemed a lot better. Never liked pampers!!
i had that problem wiv sam hes used to wet right through, so i changed him to huggies and was so fine.
So i only used huggies for joe and now emma
i had this problem with beth! and i actually phoned pampers and complained :lol: not only did they refund me what i paid for the original pack of nappies in vouchers they also advised me to try a size up as she may be in between sizes if that wasnt the case then rather than using baby dry use acti fit as the shape of them is slightly different. i tried it and after that she was fine so it may just be because he is in between sizes and the others may be a better shape for him
Damien did this with pampers for a couple of nights, I tried the size up and he was fine and sleep better than before!
I had the opposite problem with Huggies, Damien always wet through them in the day and night.

Try a size up hun and if you get no joy, try another brand. I use Pampers Active fit for the day and night, and other than them 2 nights, he has been fine with them. Tesco's own were quite good too.
i have tried huggies and we dont get along lol
ill try the next size up then thanks sami
What size is he in now and how much does he weigh? Active fit are the best fit for Damien, he is very chunky round the middle but short in the body.
i aint had him weighed for a month but i reckon about 23 lb n i have been buying size 4 nappys

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