I know I shouldnt but...


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I really want my baby to hurry up and come out! Its way too early but I'm fed up of being sent to the hospital to get my BP checked and I'm fed up of how ill I feel on the medication I'm taking!
It seems that every time I see my MW or the consultant they want me to spend a sleepless night in hospital, they were going to send me back in today but I was able to get my BP down a bit after sitting for ages at the surgery, she decided it would be ok for me to go to the DAU tomorrow to be checked again so that I dont have to spend another night being observed!
It's no wonder I've always got high BP when I go to the surgery when they keep sending me in and then I get sent home the next morning just to sit and wait until the next time! To top it off today my Dad has been rushed to hospital with a suspected pulmonary embolism which is potentially life threatening, so what do they expect, my BP is bound to be raised!
Anyway every time I get a slight twinge I'm urging it to be the start of labour, that way it'd be less worrying that I have high BP and I can start back on some normal medication that doesnt make me feel so ill! Guess until baby is ready I will just have to put up with it though!
Aww hun :hug: It must be so frustrating with all that going on and with your Dad's illness...

I hope he gets better soon and your BP reduces!

Not long to go now and your LO will be here :hug: xx
OH GOD I know how you feel, I cried all weekend and seriously asked DH if I would be a bad person to beg for them to take LO out when I see consultant again this week.

We will look back at this time with fondness (I hope!!) but its soooooo cruel how much it drags later on :( .

Sorry to hear about your dad :hug: hope he pulls through

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