i hope this is it


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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hi everybody well things r starting to move along had a sweep on thurs started getting twinges in the evening, it then stopped. friday had a big show and started contracting they were regular but short, went into hospital at 9pm was 2cm dialated but contractions were not long enough 2 dialate me anymore so went home. contractions stopped and it is now sun eve and waiting 4 it 2 start again having a few twinges so fingers crossed. :pray:
who gave you a sweep at 37 weeks :shock:
have i missed something?
they gave me a sweep cause i was having painfull braxton hicks and will b booked in 4 inducement this week cause of babys growth.
oh i didn't know that greendayrock. Well ihope you will b seeing bubba soon then. It sounds like it.
:dance: :dance: :dance:

good luck! Keep us all posted :cheer:
well budge i hope so 2 i will try and keep u posted but comp is broke and i am usig a borrowed lap top so dont know how long got it 4.

best thing to do is stay active and have sex if you can. Altohugh i must admit its the last thing you probably want to do.
Good Luck Greenday!!!!! All these babies on the way, it's so exciting! :D
good luck!!!



good luck hunny :D

hope ur holding ur littleone very soon our babies could be born on the same day if u have ur baby tomorrow hun :D

good luck :wave: :wave: :cheer: :cheer: xxxxxxxxx
Good luck green day rock, thinking of you :hug: xx
Oh wow, good luck1 I'm sure it wont be long now x
thanks everyone, sophie good luck tom hun i have got hospital at 2 so will c what they say.

thanks tracey!

iam at hospital at 2 today aswell :D
hope it all goes well for u hun xx
Best of luck to you Green Day Rock and to you Sophie for you C Sec tomorrow
how are you foing greendayrock? i noticed you weren't online yesterday............ wondering if you've had the baby :cheer:
hi budge no not had her still waitin had another scan today and she ha grown to just over 6lb so not being induced got just wait 4 nature. thanks 4 asking hun xxx

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