I have just had..


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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My show :oooo: I know I'm dilating, and things are moving.. But it kind of freaked me a bit, I just go with the flow here on in right?:shock:
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I'm fine, getting most of my pains in my back, had another show this morning.. So I'm guessing things are under way even though it doesn't really feel like it atm.. Getting last bits and bobs ready and then the waiting begins :lol:
I thought I would have been petrifyed :lol: But am really looking forward to the whole experience! Will definitly have to work out how to get some photos on so I can upload as soon as I'm home! When I found out my news yday, coming home in the car I said to OH & sister "I can't wait to tell everyone on the pregnancy forum!" :lol:
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I can't wait to read your news! Good luck, you are obviously very positive about the whole thing, well done and good luck! :hug:
I thought I would have been petrifyed :lol: But am really looking forward to the whole experience! Will definitly have to work out how to get some photos on so I can upload as soon as I'm home! When I found out my news yday, coming home in the car I said to OH & sister "I can't wait to tell everyone on the pregnancy forum!" :lol:

Bet they thought you was nuts by saying you got to tell us on the pregnancy forum :lol: lolx
Still here, contractions were coming every 50 minutes last night lasting 30+ seconds, and now.. n o t h i n g! Where have they gone? I have just had a full nights sleep :eh: Boggled!
i had that for about 2 and a half weeks with my son had my show 2 and a half weeks before then it was just really slow till i did the three b'd

bonk haha!!

worked a treat coz i had already started to dialate hehe!! :)
Every 50 mins? you're in very early labour hun. The best thing is to forget about it and most of all to relax and rest. Relaxing gets the oxytocin flowing and that's what encourages labour to really get going :)
I knew I was quite early on but was hoping they would start to come closer together, now nothing.. Gr.. Going to go for a walk, come home and get a bath and start bouncing on my bed :lol: Does :bd: really work? I have read it does and then read it's rubbish?
nothing 'works' until your body is really ready. I did all sorts last time to try to encourage things: the ball, sex, curry etc etc...Then I just decided to stop thinking about it and resigned myself to it not happening until the time was right.....then my waters went that night. You hear of women arriving at the hospital after having contractions every 5 mins then they stop....that's because the adrenalin inhibits the oxytocin. You cant underestimate how important it is to be relaxed to le tit flow. :)

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