I have done it!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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Hiya, I posted on here a few weeks ago about trying to feed Oliver in public for the first time.

I have done it a few times now with no problems! Its too hot to sit in my car and feed him.

Once time I got him on no problem, I was tucking into my caramel slice ( my treat for feeding him in the cafe, of course!) I looked down and he had pulled my top right down. It was all hanging out! Oliver is not shy about his mum feeding him, he wants every one too see!! :oops:

yay good for you at least now your boobs have been flashed to the public by your LO breastfeeding normally will be a breeze!!! :dance:
That's brilliant news, well done for sticking with it! :clap:
Yaay get em out it has to be done. Breaking the barrier of doing it the first time is the hardest but then it becomes second nature.

Still am glad I don't have to do that now as Dom only needs 3 booby feeds a day and I do them before I go out etc.

Well done :)
:dance: :clap: Well done hon, I am so proud of you! :D :D :D

It gets easier and easier from now onwards :D
:clap: :clap:

Emilia xx
Well done Jadie, Oliver will be relaxed if you are.... so more caramel slices I say!

It also gets easier as they get bigger/older

I'm not a breastfeeder but well done! That was always something that worried me, but you've done it..Hooray! xxxx
well done hun the idea of BF in public always scared the crap out of me so extra well done :clap: :clap: :clap:
Yay, thats fab hun. That caramel slice was well deserved. I was proud of myself as the other day I had to feed in burger king which was chocker, IKEA, which is always busy and at the fair. It is getting easier and I am not having to flash my nipple all the time :wink:
Thank you for your surport. I am not sure I would have been able to carry on with breastfeeding. If I did not use your help on this forum! I have needed so much advice about it!


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