I have an unusual pet........


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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A baby seagull!

Seriously I do have a seagull in my house!
It fell off a roof and then it's mum left him and didn't come back.
When the kids in the area spotted him they were throwing him to each
other and dunking him in milk.
Then it started raining heavily so we bought him in the house.
He lives in my conservatory away from Summer
and he is soooo friendly! He loves being around people.
I am going to hand rear him until he is old enough to fly away.
His name is Pip

I took my slippers off to get the washing in, when I came back
I found this!

He is really really cute and more like a dog then a bird!
He follows me where ever I go and he knows his name.
He's going to be massive when he grows up :shock:
Poor lil seagull!!!

I hope the rearing goes fine -youl probably have a friend for life though if he tames quickly!
aww the poor wee thing good u took it in to look after it as im sure it wouldnt live on its own im sure it will make a right mess when it poo's every where but im sure and certain all the mess will be worth it, good luck keep us updated with more photo's if you can
he is very cute. what are you feeding him, have you spoken to a wildlife rescue place as they give great advice about raising chicks.
Sooooo cute, I don't think I've seen a baby Seagull before :D
I would be cacking myself seagulls are one of my phobias :shock:
even baby ones.
nasty beggars :evil: how can they be so cruel - hes gorgeous!!

awwwww :D
Suchh a cutie, you wait some wag will see this and next thing we know paris hilton will have her very own baby seagull complete with tiara !!

Oh, and i think your slippers r now claimed !! :)
scatterpatch said:
you wait some wag will see this and next thing we know paris hilton will have her very own baby seagull complete with tiara !!

Omg that made me laugh! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
aww how sweet! i hope its ok, i once took a baby bird in and it died :-( please keep us updated :hug:
Very good of you to take the little one out of the rain, but seriously this could turn nasty, seagulls are BIG birds and as they get bigger they get very sharp beaks which can cause alot of damage to a hand.
If you hand raise him he will have no fear of humans and once released could actually become very agressive towards people and as he knows food comes from humans he will attack for food.
Please hand this bird over to a wildlife rescue who really know what they are doing, they will not put him down but will raise him with other orpahn seagulls and then release them.

Also it is an offence to hold on to wildlife, as stated in the wildlife and countryside act 1981.
It probably has worms and lice too which will need treating, sorry to be negative but this is a wild animal not a pet.
Hehe nice :) Good on you for rescuing him.

Just a word of warning however... We took one in years ago and he lived out in the conservatory for a little while (and ok, he was older than the one you have). However, they do have a habit of being able to throw back up their food if scared or angry and its pretty projectile :rotfl: And they are bloody good shots I can tell you. We ended up having to wear bin liners when going out to see Freddy. We intentionally left him to be as wild as we could as we wanted him to be able to go back into the wild and if they get too used to humans you will find he won't be able to fend for himself and will never leave :lol: Plus they crap everywhere :roll:

We contacted a rescue centre and asked them to take him and get him ready for releasing into the wild. They didn't have space for him at that time hence us keeping him a while till they could take him.

Its also possible at this age he needs more heat and will require an infra red heat lamp as he does not have feathers yet, just the chick downy covering.

Hypnorm made a wise suggestion about you handing the bird over asap to a rescue centre. I'd do the same as they are handfuls and her words are very true. They can be agressive and pests to people if they have no fear etc of them.
Thanks Sherlock, I am speaking from experience as i worked as a veterinary nurse dealing with the wildlife that came in.
The projectile vomit is not pleasant!!
As cute as he is at the moment he is a wildbird and needs to be treated as such.

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