I have an interview today!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Ok so all my likfe i have worked with children and horses. horses being the main but children also. so for instance i have worked for wealthy families and ridden and cared for their horses and picked the kids up from school / looked after them.

Now I have annabelle horses is sort of out of the question unless i send her to a childminders which i dont really want to do.

a few weeks back i saw a childcare job advertised to look after a 6 and 8 year old pick up from school / take to clubs or just play with them at their house till 5.30/6pm when their parents get home.

they could need me in the mornings too so the hours could increase if i wanted.

I could do with the money and the lady called last night and sounded lovely. she wants someone long term to be almost part of the family. and is prepared to pay well for that.

so i have the interview today. Do you think this would be do'able with annabelle or am i being unreasonable to think it would work whilst my own baby is stills so young?? it would be a shame to pass up on it when my maternity pay runs out in feb and then i will definitely have to find work.

What do you guys think?xx
i think its abit of a tricky one really. i take it u'll b taking annabelle along with you? do the family know that?
Yeah i told them and she said oh of course!
I this you should grab this opportunity if you know you have to work in the future. I know a lot of people who did child minding and since having their own baby can't find a job where they can take their own baby xx
Sounds perfect! I'd definately go for it. It's free entertainment for annabelle too, Babies love kids!
Good luck with the interview hun :D i think it's a real good oppertunity at least go to the interview to find out more you don't have to take it. X
brilliant! Like having brothers and sisters for anabelle whilst still being your only special girl!! :love:

I would love a job like that!
thats brilliant as you can take her with you! Good luck!
I think I'd nab the chance while it's there :) hope interview went well, let us know how it went :) x
Ahhh just seen all the replies thankyou. It went ok but i really dont think it would be for me. She was hinting that maybe i could leave annabelle with someone else sometimes, and was really harsh on her little boy!! told him off so often for next to no reason?! she didnt allow TV and she was saying she wants them to do things like baking and garden games and lots of learning games constantly. i dont think it would work with little annabelle as she still needs so much attention...Oh well, at least i tried. Hopefully in Feb I can find something similar.

I already do a part time job where i look after a 1 and a 4 year old 2 mornoings a week which i started when i was pregnant (as had to leave my riding job very early on as too dangerous) where i take annabelle and that mum is soooo lovely and casual (but the kids are so so well behaved) so that works well. this would have been more money but i really wouldnt have enjoyed it or even coped i dont think!! xx
well done for going and figuring all that out - good effort honey! ive got a cash in hand yard job 2 hours 4x a week £100 a week that baby can come to which im chuffed about! just gotta muck out and ride 1. defo gonna stick to that! x
Ah well at least now you know, so you wont think "what if I went for that". Hope you find something when youre ready.
I'm sure something else will come up. Maybe childminding is a good idea with a lo and it would be at your house so you would have annabelles things to hand.
Yeah im thinking childminding seems the best option :)

and i will miss horses but i will make sure i still do it as a hobby and hopefully annabelle will want a pony when shes a bit older :D x
good on you for trying and to make a decision that you think is the best for you and your little girl!


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