I have a question...


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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and also need some advice, please?

My depo injection runs out on the 15th and as you may already know, I'm not renewing it. So my question is, as of the 15th am I officially TTC? Or am I offically TTC when my cycles start again?? Just a little confused. :eh:

I understand that it could take months for AF to come back and for me to start Ovulating again. And to be honest, although I can't wait to be pregnant, we don't want to get caught too soon because of money issues. My OH and I have talked and we don't want to use anything and do have back up plans if I'm lucky enough to get a BFP early on but would be better off if it took a little longer, just not too long!

I guess I'm excited that from the 15th I'm not "safe" but understand the need for my body to get back to normal and not to rush things.

Any advice would be welcome, as I don't know many people who have been in similar situations.
Hi Stargirl.

My story shortened.....

I ended depo Mar 7th this yr. Within 2 weeks i got pregnant, however it ended in a chemical pregnancy as it couldn't implant.

The depo thins the lining of your uterus so that noting can implant.

It has taken me 5 months to have a normal af. this is month 6 and i'm ttc #2

From the nurse and Gp, thay have said expect it to take upto 6 months to begin ov'ing (although i did immediatley) and upto a year for AF.

Thanks for replying. I'm so sorry about your CP. I want to wish you all the luck in thw world ttc #2.

I'm prepared for it to take months and even longer! I'm trying to stay positive and have told myself to take each month as it comes but I am finding it very difficult to think of anything eles but getting pregnant. It's always on my mind.

Last time I got the depo I was in two minds whether to have it or not but didn't want to risk getting pregnant too soon as we had a few money issues we wanted rid of before ttc. Now I really wish I hadn't gone for it.

I know it'll happen eventually, I just have to be patient! I'm just at the star of my ttc journey!

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