I have a possessive boyfriend :/

His behavior is abusive and not OK regardless of what is affecting him right now. Stress does not magically make someone a raging asshole who damages your property.

My phone would cost £200 to fully replace and god knows what the cars going to cost but he doesn't care at the time.

You don't need an expensive phone and if the car is drivable, it doesn't need to be fixed. These are really minor things to be worried about.
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This man is abusive, there is no excuse for the way he is behaving - he might not hitting you yet but he is being emotionally abusive to you and your children. He hasn't got any insight about the way he is acting and so he will not change - he has no reason to change his behaviour is getting him want he wants - control.

Sorry to be so blunt but I don't think there is any point making excuses for him.
From what you've said I used to be in a very similar relationship (except there was no kids involved) its very easy when you're in that situation to brush things under the carpet and just get on with it, or just not realise how bad whats going on around you is.

you are the only one that knows what your relationship and this man are really like, but I will say that even if its only 1% of the time is that the kind of behaviour you want your kids to see? do you think it's acceptable to phone your friend 15times in a row and call her a fat bitch? would you allow him to talk to you that way and if so do u think that's part of a normal healthy relationship?

no ones perfect, but from what you've said he's got some issues that seriously need dealing with before they really get out of hand, or worse, effect your kids.
Hugs xx

My fat fingers can't spell! x

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