I have a date!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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For my operation ..... 29th December :shakehead:

Bit gutted about the timing but there is no way I was going to turn it down and wait weeks longer.

Hubby will be off work over christmas so at least he will be there to look after me, but looks like this New Year will be spent at home resting.
Hi Vicky,

I'm so glad you have a date for the op - shame about when it is but like you say at least you will have time with your hubby and time to rest. Do you have lots of info about what they'll be doing? I really hope it does some good for you. In the meantime we can enjoy the waiting around together.................I don't think I'll be starting my next clomid cycle till end of Dec the way things are looking x x x x x x x
Glad you got a date hun, not too far away but what a rubbish time of year to have an op, at least hubby will have plenty time to run around after you. Xx
yeah the timing def sucks but if it works then I dont care!!!

Sarah no I dont have all the details yet, the hospital only called me yesterday to confirm I could make that date, she is going to send me a letter with all the details in it. Such a shame they are making you wait until December before going back on the clomid .... I HATE WAITING!!!!

In terms of the operation I have had a look on google so have some idea of what to expect.
Aaaaahhh google. A wonderful tool :D. Genuinely dunno what I did without it. I know, I hate waiting too. I'm getting used to it, but still hate it! xx
Lap & Dye and Ovarian Drilling hun.

Is this what you had ?? how did you find the recovery ???
Yay :good:

The New Year will be a good one for you - i feel it :)

Do you get knocked out cold or just heavily sedated?

I'm wondering if ovarian drilling would be similar to my egg collection. It's fine if it is, it's afterwards it hurts :oooo:
I had just the drilling but I has tumour removal at the same time via keyhole surgery. I was under general anaesthetic.

It's period pain type sensation after and some tugging in your abdomen. No sudden movements and take it easy after but you aren't bed-ridden etc. wise to ask for lactulose afterwards.

My AF arrived about 3 days after the surgery. It's obviously worked out very well for me, one of the other girls in tri3 has also had it done. Good luck x
Yay :good:

The New Year will be a good one for you - i feel it :)

Do you get knocked out cold or just heavily sedated?

I'm wondering if ovarian drilling would be similar to my egg collection. It's fine if it is, it's afterwards it hurts :oooo:

I think I am being knocked out cold, hoping I dont scar to badly from the incisions.

Also worried about my belly ring, I know I will have to take it out for the op as one of the incisions is made in your belly button, but I dont know how soon I can put it back in afterwards ... will be pissed if it closes up, I know it seems trivial but I feel as if I have given up enough already!
I had just the drilling but I has tumour removal at the same time via keyhole surgery. I was under general anaesthetic.

It's period pain type sensation after and some tugging in your abdomen. No sudden movements and take it easy after but you aren't bed-ridden etc. wise to ask for lactulose afterwards.

My AF arrived about 3 days after the surgery. It's obviously worked out very well for me, one of the other girls in tri3 has also had it done. Good luck x

Thanks Jayne, I hope it works for me too xx
Can't you put on of those plastic things in it?

I'm sure on TV when people have been told to take belly piercings out they replace them with like a plastic straw with nothing holding it in... or am i making it up? :eh:
If u have any questions or concerns on the surgery then pm me :) x
Can't you put on of those plastic things in it?

I'm sure on TV when people have been told to take belly piercings out they replace them with like a plastic straw with nothing holding it in... or am i making it up? :eh:

They do exist. I've had to put plastic tubes in now but they do have balls on the end
funnily enough years ago I bought some pregnancy sized belly rings so am thinking I may be able to use one of those after, its a ring not a bar so it wont sit in the belly button which is where I am guessing it will be sore!!

But I think I might invest in a plastic one as well just in case ... trundles off to look on ebay!!
Thats great news Vicky! Happy its finally arrived! Xxx

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