I hate my long cycles


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Anyone else feel like this? I have a 33 day cycle and although thats not VERY long, its annoying. If I had a normal cycle (28 days), I'd be ovulating about now, i'm currently on cd14. I have to wait another week before I ovulate, cd20 :(

I feel as though it drags! I really feel for those woman who's cycles are longer.

I know exactly what you are saying about the frustration. My cycles ranged from between 39-119 days in length but were mainly artound the 60 days in length mark. But the patience paid off if the end as i got my BFP on my last cycle on CD117.

I know its frustrating but hang in there it will all be worth it in the end!
Mine used to be very very long and irregular too. Ranging from 33 - 60 odd days. The last one I had was 75 days, so I tested and bingo.... the rest is history. It took four years to get there though...

Good luck hun :hug: :hug:
Thanks for these replys girls, it gives me alot of hope. Maybe having a long cycle is a good thing judging by your BPF's! I feel quite guilty now thinking that my cycle was long at 33 days, you ladies must be soooo patient!

Hope you both have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

i also hate my long cycles, i had 31 day cycles for 6 months then suddenly jumped to 42 days then 34 days! :evil:
so we'l see what i am this month!

can totally sympathise (sp) with u chick :hug:
I used to have 45 day cycles and it was really annoying, although tbh I think its far better to have a longer regular cycle than unpredictable length cycles.

At least if you know its 33 days, you can still work out when you are ovulating, I really feel for the women who just don't have a clue where they are in their cycles :)
My cycles are 32/33 days, it's not that much longer than an average cycle.

The last 2 months I had 42 day cycles, that felt soooooo much longer.

I have huge sympathy for anybody who has long cycles when you're TTC.
My cycles are generally 33 days, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. I know what you mean hun, although they aren't that much longer it certainly feels like they are!! Good luck for getting your BFP :D

mine are 33 days too - medically, that's not considered long, >35 is long. But I know what you mean, it's occasionally frustrating when somebody else was on CD1 with you, and then ovulates a week before! However, there's definitely an upside. It's cheaper (fewer tampons/STs to buy), and you get longer between PMT episodes! There are problems with short cycles too, like building up enough of a lining. On balance, I'd much rather have 33 day cycles than 23 day cycles.

Anyway, be careful what you wish for - my mother ended up having a hysterectomy after her cycles had been 2 weeks long for 10 years. I'm definitely grateful for what I've got. :D

Still, the time does drag, waiting to ovulate! :roll:
Totally agree with what everyones saying, 33 days really isn't that long. I'm just sooooo impatient, having to wait an extra week to ov bores me! Anyway, not too long now should be ov'ing either tomorrow or Tuesday. Unless my cycle decides to change its mind, like it sometimes does!

Really hope we're all in with a chance before xmas. Good luck ladies.


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